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Posts posted by BLite

  1. 2 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    If you were editing the Arcade.xml and had a backup of it in the same folder that was the issue. Backups of those xaml files should not be kept in the \Data\Platform folder. LB will try to read it as well. 

    Ah... good to know. Thank you!

  2. 19 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    You have something going on then. I just tested 5 platforms without issue.

    In that \Data\Platform folder with all your platform xml files do you by chance have any backups of those platform xml files stored?

    I did make a backup of the Arcade.xml prior to making my edits... and left it in Platforms (don't recall what it was named as I've blown it all away now).  If it was reading from that, I'm gonna go have a little cry.


  3. Okay, this is a bit ridiculous.

    I tried the tool in the UI.  Sometimes it hangs, but it never seems to fully update the path to my arcade ROMs (yes, I select them.  If I edit them manually, it works).  

    Sure would be easy if I could open the Arcade.xml file, as described here, do a find and replace, and fix it.  I do that, save the file (re-open to verify), then, the next time I open LaunchBox, BOOM, the original path is back for the majority of the files. Clearly something is cached or some other database is at work SOMEWHERE.

    Instead of just saying "use the UI", does someone have any idea where LaunchBox is getting the original path?!  I just want to change a single friggin' string.  It shouldn't be that hard.

  4. Okay, I figured out what the problem was by finally editing an individual game (thank you for making me consider the import process).  The subdirectory that contains the MAME ROMs is not included in the path.  I'm going to chalk that up to my own stupidity, but man oh man, I swear I have not touched the ROM location at all.  

    Is there any chance that the "Import rom set" function scans subdirectories but only uses the top level directory you select as the path?  Doesn't particularly matter, I guess, but boy am I feeling like an idiot.


  5. Imported via the LaunchBox "Import MAME Arcade Full Set" - it's a .220 full merged set (and verified I AM loading the RetroArch .220 core).  I've tried explicitly specifying the core as a command argument to LaunchBox, but that looks no different (results-wise) than just leaving the defaults in place. 

    If I launch it at the CLI w/ Retroarch and -v, and then launch with a -v in LaunchBox, the LogConsole windows are virtually identical - same paths appear, same core messages, etc - but the one launched via LaunchBox ultimately fails with the "NOT FOUND" messages appearing.  I don't see any other differences :/


  6. This may fall under a NOOB question, but I've managed to solve every other issue on my own and been through enough troubleshooting steps with RetroArch/LaunchBox that I feel this might be a legit question for this forum.  Any assistance is appreciated, and please forgive my utter ignorance.

    Using Retroarch as my emulator, I have around a dozen and a half systems working and launching A-okay. 

    MAME is, of course, the trouble spot.

    mame_libretro core is .220
    MAME Rom (merged) are .220

    Games launch just fine from Retroarch.  When launching from LaunchBox, I will get "Loading Machine (XX%)" (percentage is different each time) and RetroArch stops responding. Forcing a -v as a CLI argument in LaunchBox shows me that it is failing with:

    epr-10290 NOT FOUND (tried in afighter afighter)
    epr-10291 NOT FOUND (tried in afighter afighter)
    epr-10292 NOT FOUND (tried in afighter afighter)
    epr-10284.12 NOT FOUND (tried in afighter afighter)
    317-0018.key NOT FOUND (tried in afighter afighter)
    Fatal error: Required files are missing, the machine cannot be run.

    If I launch with something like this (cutting out the extended path names for simplicity here):

    C:\retro\retroarch.exe "C:\ROMS\afighter.zip" -L "C:\retro\cores\mame_libretro.dll"

    It works just fine. This happens for virtually everything.  The "missing" "epr-XXXX" files (as best I can tell) are part of the rom zipfile, not separate BIOS/ROM files that some games require (and this is borne out by searching for those names on my drive, finding nothing, AND seeing the file actually load just fine in Retroarch).  

    I feel like this is a directory or a config file issue, but I'm not sure exactly what LaunchBox is using to launch Retroarch.  I tried adding -v to the libretro_mame - specific flags in LaunchBox and it does not dump the full command line arguments for how retroarch is invoked.

    Anyway, that's my sad story. If anyone has some advice, I'd certainly appreciate it.


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