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LaunchBox Community Forums

Daniel Freeburg

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Posts posted by Daniel Freeburg

  1. I recently updated my license subscription and then attempted  to update to the latest version of Launchbox. (I believe it's at 11.8 now) However, after trying to update, Launchbox won't even start up anymore. I attempted to roll back to my previous version. Even going so far as to try to install it to my (C:) drive - It had previously been installed on my (E:) external HD. NOW, ALL of my games are missing and today, I attempted to open the apparently "empty" new installation and "it" won't even open now! I have a LOT of time invested in getting my Launchbox set up...MANY hours put into it...To lose everything, after PAYING for a renewal and trying to update to the most recent version is not only FRUSTRATING....IT IS MADDENING! PLEASE tell me how I can recover my games and install the latest version without going through any more of this mess!

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