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Posts posted by Scooby1

  1. I am running Windows 7 and have had LB and BB working well for several years. However I can no longer open either program. In my searching through the message boards and I saw that LB v13.9 was the last version to run on Window 7.

    I had been running LB v13.14 without issue, but thought I would try overwriting this with v13.9. That did not fix the issue and still get this same error message.

    Launch/Bigbox are installed in my E:\Launchbox folder.

    Any help to get this going would be most appreciated!

    Here is the error I'm getting:


  2. I finally had time to test this. I tried both options, having both Enable game controllers and Use All controllers and then unchecking Use All controllers in Options, but still have the same issue. Windows calibration looks good as well.

    I'll just keep the guitar unplugged until I'm in the game and ready to use the guitar controller. 

    Thanks for the help.

  3. Hey guys,

    I have installed my first Origin game, Apex Legends and the game runs fine outside of Launchbox. I imported Apex Legends through the Origin option with the LB import function. LB found my game and downloaded the game images and wheel.

    However when I launch the game from LB, a dialog box opens with code I don't understand (attached). It them exits the game back to the LB menu. Of note, Origin is installed on my C drive and Apex Legends is installed on an external drive. I don't think this is a problem as the game runs fine outside of LB. I wanted to mention is in case LB can't load a game this way.

    Any help is appreciate!


  4. Hey guys,

    I have several console emulators and now have a Windows game working well in Launchbox and BigBox. I just installed Clone Hero for Windows, but when my x-plorer xbox 360 guitar controller is plugged into any of the USB ports on my PC, the platform or game wheel spins constantly and I can't select anything from BB.

    If I unplug the guitar controller and select the game (from a regular x360 controller), then plug the guitar back in, the game plays great. I checked to see if any of the guitar buttons or D pad are stuck, but they are not.

    How can I get the wheel in BB to stop spinning when the guitar controller is plugged in? 

    Do I need to setup LB or BB with the guitar controller separately and if so, how do I do this? I didn't see anywhere to setup a guitar controller in LB or BB.


  5. Hey guys,

    I have several Dreamcast roms in my ReDream games folder. My problem is that some are in folders that have multiple files inside. For example, I have a folder for Gauntlet Legends that has .bin files for Track 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (some of these files are under 2,000 KB and some are over 400,000 KB in size. This folder also has a .gdi file that is 1KB in size.

    I then have a game by itself, NBA Showtime.cdi. This game does not have the Track files like Gauntlet. Both games play the same from within Redream.

    The issue is getting the games with multiple Track files to get setup and play from Launchbox/Bigbox. Most of my games are the multiple track variety, like the Gauntlet example.

    All example I've seen setting up LB/BB with ReDream shows having LB look for individual files like the NBA Showtime.cdi example.

    How should I setup LB with my games that have these multiple Track files?

  6. I have several emulators/platforms working in Bigbox and Launchbox and I have set the "exit" function on my xbox 360 controller in BB/LB to need 2 specific controller buttons in order to exit out of a game and back to BB.

    However all emulators are not using these buttons to exit games when launched from either BB or LB. 

    I checked inside the emulators themselves, but there are no options to select multiple buttons to exit games. Some emulators don't even have "exit" as an option from their controller button selections.

    How can I get Bigbox to only exit games when selecting the buttons I have indicated from the Controller Mapping section? The buttons in the Controller Mapping are currently buttons 6 & 7 on my controller, but they don't work/exit games. 

    Currently, the only button that exits games from BB is the "back" button, next to the start button.

    Is there a way to fix this?

  7. Thanks for the reply. Do you know where I can download videos like this so that Mario is part of the full screen videos and then similar overlay-looking videos for the other Platforms?

    If not, which other Bigbox themes do you recommend that are similar to Redux but also have overlays for the Platforms?


  8. Hey guys,

    I have Bigbox setup using the Unified Redux theme. Once I select a Platform/emulator, I then see overlays for each game in that Platform, which looks great.

    I don't have any overlays when I'm scrolling through the Platforms however. I just see the Platform logo on my wheel and a full-screen video of a game from that Platform.

    How can I get and setup overlays for Platforms and use with this theme? In the "Manage Themes" section in BB options, I see overlays are being used for Platforms with this theme..I just don't know how to download and set them up.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  9. Hey guys,

    I have several platforms/emulators now populated with games in Bigbox. When I select a platform, for a brief second or two, I can see the game list for that platform, but then Bigbox goes back to the platforms screen. So, I can't select a game to play.

    At first, this was only happening with Sega Genesis (Fusion emulator). Now it seems to be happening with all other platforms as well. The other platforms I have installed and setup with Bigbox are Nestopia, Snesw, Pcsx2, ReDream and epsxe.

    Any idea how I can fix this?


  10. Edit: I realize I should have asked my follow up question in a new thread, so I have now done so. Thanks.


    Thanks for the quick reply. I'm now using Bigbox and it's looking awesome. One strange thing has popped up that I wasn't able to find.

    I have several platforms/emulators now populated with games in BB. When I select a platform, for a brief second or two, I can see the game list for that platform, but then BB goes back to the platforms screen. So, I can't select a game to play.

    At first, this was only happening with Genesis (Fusion). Now it seems to be happening with all other platforms as well. The other platforms I have installed and setup with BB are Nestopia, Snesw, Pcsx2, ReDream and epsxe.

    Any idea how I can fix this?


  11. Hey guys,

    I setup LB for the first time and most things were working, until today. I was trying to change the theme from default to the Unified Redux theme. After I placed the new theme in the LBThemes folder and changed the theme (from the tools/options/visuals), the next time I tried going to tools/options in LB, I get a small dialog box with only a graphical "Options". This is not the options function as it was and now I can't make any changes to LB options.

    Any help is most appreciated!

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