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  1. Thanks for replying. My BigBox year licence has recently expired but if you figure out a way to implement this feature I'd jump on a lifetime licence. I've my fingers crossed that gets added to the development roadmap. Cheers!
  2. Hi, I can launch my GeForce Now games from Launchbox on Windows (by creating a desktop shortcut and then pointing LB to that destination), but I wondered if there's any way to get LB for Android to launch my GeForce Now games also? I'm not a fan of the GeForce Now game selection UI and would much prefer to use LB.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. OK, good to know, appreciate that. I like the game details screen when entering a game so I guess I'll keep it showing. My thought is that if you exit a game then you're most likely either wanting to play another game or wanting to exit BB. It doesn't seem very logical to me to put you back in the game details of the game you just played. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Hi guys, when exiting the current running emualtor I'm returned to the menu screen of the game title I've just played. Is there a setting I can choose to change this behaviour so that I'm returned to the game selection screen instead? Thanks in advance if somebody can provide me the answer to this!
  5. Hi Koroth, thanks for that, run as admin was checked. Now working, thanks to the both of you for helping me out!
  6. Hey, thanks for the quick reply bundangdon! I've copied and pasted this code as you've suggested. Should the Esc key now close down Cemu, is that what it does for you? Cemu is still going into windowed mode when I hit Esc. Thanks in advance for confirming.
  7. Hi guys, I'm launching Cemu 1.22.8 via Launchbox & BigBox. Games start up and play fine however when I try to exit a game by hitting Esc, Cemu just goes into windowed mode. I have seached for and found old posts that discussed a simialar issue but none of the suggestions have worked for me. I currently have the follwoing in my AHK script field : $Esc:: Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} If anybody has any suggestions I'd really appreacite hearing them. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for that. Yeah, I'll need to do a little more troubleshooting when I get some time to do so. It was working but then seemed to suddennly go pear shaped for some reason. As it was working previously, albeit briefly, I do hold out hope it'll work again. Tried reinstalling LaunchBox but that didn't fix it. Will investigate further.
  9. Dos76, just to confirm what do you mean by repairing controller? Just by repairing it? Or is there an extra step for fixing the controller? I really dont know why BigBox can't map my button 1 when it's recognised just fine within LaunchBox's controller mapping screen.
  10. Thanks DOS76, I tried that but that didn't solve the issue. I don't know what's going on with BigBox right now on this particualr PC. Works beautifully on my laptop though...
  11. Hmmm, OK, but all the other buttons are recognised correctly except for just button 1, also button 1 is recognised fine in the LaunchBox controller mappping screen. I'm paired in the exact same mode on my laptop and button 1 is recognised fine in BigBox. Very strange this as it was working fine at the beginning then the issue came up. I've Just tried reinstalling BigBox but same thing is happening.
  12. Hi there, I've just paid up for BigBox and have a controller mapping issue. Can anyone offer any advice on the following, please? I've installed two instances of BigBox, one on my laptop and one on my desktop. Bigbox on the laptop works fine and as expected. The issue I'm having with BigBox on my desktop is this, within the Controller Mappings option screen I'm unable to map button A from either of my two controllers (both Bluetooth Ipegas) as a Select function. When I hit return on my keyboard to map the Select function the Awaiting Controller Input message appears then when I hit A (button 1) on my controller it just returns to the mapping screen with {None} showing next to the Select function. Actually button A (button 1) on my controller is acting as a back button despite the back button already being successfully mapped to button B (button 2) on my controller. The strange thing is I can successfully map the A button on my controller with LaunchBox on my desktop and it comes up as button 2 as I'd expect, just can't seem to get BigBox to recognise it for some reason. As I said previously, no such issue with my laptop's running instance of BigBox which works fine. I hope what I've written make sense, if not please ask me to clarify. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated...
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