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  1. I actually don't like the old default, that wasted space is just too much, and even more with horizontal covers, I need launchbox premium to use the custom themes. Anyways, I will stick to the new default for now, thanks a lot anyways!
  2. I am copying almost every folder, and so far it's working, I will let you know if it fully works
  3. I found it! it was on a different folder, sorry for not finding it before. One last thing, how do I copy all my info/games and everything to the old version? do I just copy and paste the folders?
  4. I have only 1 folder of Lanchbox, I am afraid to install the update cause I don't wanna lose all config
  5. It's kind of weird, cause after I install the update, Launchbox will open with that update (no info and nothing) but then when I close it and open it from the .exe file, the lastest version (11.1) will open, I will try reinstalling the update
  6. IDK, it opens the version 11.1
  7. Nope, it's on the same folder
  8. I installed the older version, but there's nothing there, no info and no games, thankfully I still have the version 11.1 installed with all my games, how do I copy all the info and games from version 11.1 to 9.1?
  9. Okay then, hope it works, do you know if I can install older versions without losing any info/data?
  10. Okay, so I have been using Launchbox for a while, and it's a nice front end, but far from perfect, since it will keep freezing many times (due to the excess of memory it takes to run) and won't stop updating itself. Each 3 or 4 days there are new updates, the thing is, I don't want a single update, it's fine for me like this, actually I liked more the old design, but the automatic updates changed it for me, so I cannot take the old design back. I would like to do so and also stop updating itself, I went to options and unchecked the option "install updates in background" and also unchecked the option "ask for new updates". Hope this works, if you can help me with this it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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