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Everything posted by DARKCLOUDxx78

  1. So last night, I decided to use LB. I attempted to open LB, but was forced to do an update, which caused Norton to remove a .dill or .dll file, stating it was not safe. Now the application (LB) will not open. I click on the LB icon and it attempts to open (the hourglass appears, then disappears after 7 seconds), but it never opens. I have all my media, etc., on the previous version's folder. Is there a way to recover or download the file that Norton removed after the update or a way to transfer all my previous media into the latest version of LB that I downloaded last night? it took me several weeks to do all that work and set up Big Box, which won't open either. Thank you for any assistance.
  2. Anyone know where I can get info to reset all the big box settings? When I first launched it, it seemed that there was always background music. I changed the theme to CoinOp, and changed something in the options, so now there is no sound/music when scrolling through systems and neither does any image show on the mini arcade screen
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