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Stehle77's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Thanks for your help! I know i can do this; E.g. scrape a "setup *.Exe" as a "game.exe" tricking Launchbox to think i would scrape an already installed game, then run the setup it with Lauchbox, and then in the metadata edit screen change the setup.exe manually to the newly installed game.exe. I just hoped there would be a more elegant or automated way to do this. Or maybe someone else would have a workaround i could not think of. But i understand now i would not be doable to Launchbox to automate this and this was wishful thinking on my part. And the manually editing is really not that big of a deal anyway for the few games i install manually. Thanks again!
  2. Hi! I searched everywhere, but can not find an answer. I know i can import manually installed games by importing their game.exe files, i see no option to also import the uninstalled setups of those games not linked to any platform like Steam etc.. Is there really no way or workaround to do this? Thanks!
  3. Any Updates on this topic? Meaning importing Setup Files from ISOs etc.? Or any workaround?
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