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Everything posted by yoshi98bc

  1. So default platform and playlist images was working but just stopped. Sometimes the options appear sometime they don't. But they wont save. See attached. Not sure what the issue is.
  2. Solved i think So ledblinky author told me to delete mame.dll and now mamehooker and ledblinky get along. This file monitors mame outputs which adds minimal features to ledblinky. Well worth the compromise. Hope this helps people who use both
  3. So the problem seems to be ledblinky and mamehooker cannot pick up outputs of mame when both are running. Without ledblinky running mamehooker works fine. The only thing that doesnt make sense is demulshooter works fine with mamehooker and ledblinky running. Its just mame. Anyone have ledblinky and mamehooker working in mame? Thanks
  4. Ive googled it so many times. Ive seen some of those posts. I do use Ledblinky but not sure why that would minimize mame. Will keep trying. Thanks
  5. So I tried that last idea you had and still minimizes. But it doesnt minimize all the time. Which is odd I also tried leaving mamehooker running when launchbox starts and it will only hook the first game
  6. Thanks for all your help. I did try (min) and didnt help. I will try that script addition when i get home
  7. I i tried a long sleep timer, and when mamehooker launches, even if mame is running, the mame window minimizes I have not had any luck with mamehooker starting after mame, it wont hook when it starts after mame I added mamehooker to the running script, still minimizes mame. I used the Run, Add your path here/mamehook.exe,,hide in my ahk and mame still minimizes when mamehooker loads
  8. Is there any way to send a debug file to the developers?
  9. It is almost like launchbox sees mamehooker as the active window. But its minimized in the taskbar.
  10. So i have tried everything you suggested. I turned all the startup screens options off. I also created an emulator to launch the ahk script thru launchbox. It minimized mame. Mamehooker is set to hide in ahk script but doesnt do anything. I even set a sleep command in ahk script. Mame launched fine, but the second mamehooker launches mame minimizes. Once again only when launched from Launchbox. I did report this as a bug since it makes absolutely no sense
  11. Correct. Ahk runs outside of launchbox and runs perfect
  12. I am attempting to get mamehooker to launch before a mame game launches in launchbox. However, whenever i utilize the additional app section of the game and point it to mamehooker to launch before the game, mame minimizes to taskbar. But it does hook. Happens even when i use a direct ahk script thru launchbox to launch mame game and mamehooker. Happens in big box as well. Does not happen with ahk scripts for teknoparrot. Only mame. Seems like mame and mamehooker and Launchbox dont play nicely. Any thoughts? Thanks
  13. This doesnt seem to work, It stays with the old folder.
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