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8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. This just happened to me. I found a post that said to wait it out. It looks like it's stuck, but his took an hour to process. I decided to wait, and it was done about 10 minutes later.
  2. That was it! THANK YOU! ❤️
  3. This is still an issue for me. Using Colorful Theme. I am avoiding Beta versions since I'm new to Launchbox and emulation as a whole. Is this still something only resolved in the Beta despite the recent update? What's strange is that it still pulls a non-existent file back into the BB-cache folder. Under "Clear Logo", I only have the silver ring logo. I go in and delete the old logo from the BB-Cache folder. I even empty the Recycle Bin and restart the machine for good measure. Then I start up Big Box, and I watch the files reappear in the BB-Cache folder. Is it pulling Clear Logos from somewhere else maybe?
  4. Just did that. Now a bunch more of them broke. LOL
  5. I've been using Silver Ring logos as my clear logos for platforms. This should be simple enough, but I must be doing something wrong. In LB, I change the Clear Logo to the Silver Ring version I downloaded here. When I go into BB and scroll through the platforms, the old clear logo appears instead. When this occurs, I delete the old clear logo from the cache, and that fixes it. Except, for the last three platforms, that didn't work. The old clear logo versions keep coming back, even when they're deleted from the cache folder and the clear logo folder. What gives?
  6. I might just try your txt file idea and give that a go. Thanks!
  7. I thought I saw a years old post that mentioned this and thought I would give the dolphin core a try to see how it progressed. Still, for future's sake, I'd like to make sure retroarch is running properly on my end and able to update. Is it common for Retroarch to freeze up at 1-2%?
  8. I'd love to see my entire game collection in one place, even if it can't be launched from LB/BB. Would it be possible to pull metadata and have my PS4 / Xbox One games appear in launchbox platform without having any actual files for it to import?
  9. Hey Guys, Dolphin didn't appear on my core list in retroarch. I looked it up and found that this can be resolved by updating core info files under Core Updater. Unfortunately it's stuck at 1% and I'm not sure what to do to resolve this? Has anyone experienced this? I've tried multiple times now. Any ideas?
  10. Thanks to you guys, I've been able to get pretty comfortable with importing all my cart based games. ❤️ Moving up in the timeline, I'm now working on Sega CD, and BIOS required games have always intimidated me. The changing file structure was also a curveball, and now I have a few questions, if some of you awesome peeps don't mind taking the time to help me with... Sega CD Questions... 1. I have both .cue and .bin files packaged inside of .zip files. Using older tutorial videos, I learned to extract these files and only import the .cue files. However, what was not made clear is whether or not the location of the .bin files matters? Since the .cue files are only 1KB, I'm assuming they're reliant on the .bin file they reference? So technically, shouldn't both of them be in the Launchbox Games folder for portability's sake? 2. If it's allowed, can you please direct me to a source you like for BIOS files? If not, how current should they be? I found an extremely old BIOS file for Sega CD, but wasn't sure it was safe due to its age. 3. Where should I download a BIOS file to? Is there a specific destination folder?
  11. I was just coming back to ask about whether the emulator was the same and where Gameboy was in the associated list. You rock! \m/ Thank you!
  12. That was the noobery solution. LOL! Working now. I initially had it correct when importing the files. But, scraping as "Nintendo Gameboy Color" would only pull the metadata for GBC specific titles and not any of the regular Gameboy titles. I changed it to scrape as Gameboy thinking that choosing GBC was wrong. I think I'll stick to the noob section for a bit. ? Thanks for taking the time to help me out on both counts.
  13. Sorry, I should have been clearer... Launchbox recognizes the Gambatte core is installed, but Gameboy games still crash when launched. If I launch via retroarch, I am presented with an option between Gambatte and Atari800 to launch the game. I select Gambatte and the game launches just fine.
  14. LOL Thanks for the help! Fixed! I guess I should have posted that in the noob section after all. Didn't know the associated platforms list had drop down menus. If you don't mind, while we are here, I just discovered Gambette isn't launching games though LB/BB either (it launched via retroarch directly just fine). Except, this time, the core is not listed as missing. Retroarch does suggest an Atari core along with Gambette. Is there a noobery solution I don't know about there too?
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