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Posts posted by Occelot

  1. So, I'm guessing what's happening is, the emulator is responding to EXIT and closing, which is underminding launchbox's exit procedure.. So to fix, I would think I need to either assign a different button to exit via launchbox controls, vs using the emulator default exit button (esc). OR, remove the "esc" mapping from the emulator, and continue using launchbox' `esc` as exit for emulators.

    Teach me the ways of the Jedi.


    52 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Sounds to me like you are not closing those emulators in a safe way, therefore Windows keeps the resolution/aspect. Are you just hitting escape on a keyboard, or using a script?

    Thanks for the response. I'm just  hitting ESC on the keyboard. Is there some sort of boilerplate ESC script I should be using to handle exiting gracefully?

  2. Hey guys, just like the title implies, when I start an N64 game or NES game through launchbox and press ESC to exit the game, the screen stays at 4:3 at whatever resolution was set by the game. However, when I play the game through project64 or retroarch directly, the screen returns to normal after I exit. Has anyone encountered this before?

  3. Thanks. In regards to the CPU. Wouldn’t you be hard pressed to find a computer these days that couldn’t play an 8 bit program? 
    I’ve got a 1080 graphics card in there, with 3.3ghz processor, 16GB ram, and an (dual... or maybe quad?) i5? It’s definitely older tho. 


    Another setup I use with the same issues is the Nitro V15 black edition laptop. Are those specs up to snuff?

  4. Hey guys, am I missing something? Is there a single place to get all the files required, test, and working for a specific game? The closest I have found was some on Archive.org.  Any info would be greatly appreciated. Also, how do you know which version of Mame to run in retroarch for a given rom? And lastly, when running certain games like NES Mike Tysons punchout, I get weird lagging and sound issues, any idea what that would be caused by?



  5. Hey guys, I am new to launchbox. I was wondering if anyone had similar issues to what I am experiencing and how to resolve it. I am using the Ultimarc Ultimate I/O 4 -player, and it seems like the buttons are conflicting with Launchbox. When I press certain buttons an audio player will show up on the screen, or the game will exit. Is there a pre-existing key cfg file out there to make the I/O board play nice with Launchbox?

  6. Hey guys, I just installed and purchased LB premium. When I add a game to my collection form the games database, and attempt to use the LB sync tool, it says it synced, but alas, there are still no games in the LB/BB library. The games are present in my online account collections though. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    I'm on windows 10.


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