I'm using version 11.9 on windows 10.
I'm able to download an update and install it over my launchbox folder in order to update it that way, but it will not finish downloading inside the program. I cannot get the metadata to finish downloading though. When trying to update either the program or the metadata, the green download bar gets almost to the very end but then just stops and never finishes no matter how long I leave it up.
I've had this issue before, and was able to work around it for the metadata by turning off read only from within my launchbox folder, but I had to turn off read only, click apply, and leave the properties box up without clicking accept because every time I clicked accept, read only would reset itself and wouldn't stay off of read only. But now, I'm having the same issue and it is still not finishing downloading with read only off and the properties box left open. I would like to not have to use this work around anyway, and have launchbox update itself and it's metadata from within the program.
Edit: Also, last time I did this, I was using version 11.8.