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File Comments posted by CathMowr


       1,403    20
    22 hours ago, faeran said:

    This is a design choice. It wouldn't be easily changeable without editing the theme files. It allows for the most vertical space on any size screen.

    I already got used to it. Of course it would be nice if it just hid itself while not being used, just popping up when you hover near it, but i guess this is not in the realm of possibilities with Launch Box.

    22 hours ago, faeran said:

    This is not possible. Like you noticed, some "Arrange by" options sort the games (like title), and in those circumstances, they don't have those separators because they are not needed. However, most are groupings, and if you remove the grouping title, you wouldn't know when one grouping ends and the other begins. Without that context, the grouping wouldn't actually make much sense.

    Would it be possible to change the style of the bar to fit in with the theme? It just drives me crazy to always have this ugly standard bar crash the style of a theme. I get that its wanted when you sort by "studio" or something where you want to know the nominator, but with some orders it just makes no sense - so having it look like it belongs to the theme would already make a big difference.


    By the way - i noticed my game details not showing the developer, just the publisher - twice. Looks like this.


    I checked if the info is correct, and it is. Did i do something wrong? And how to get images shown in the "Images" Tab? My entries are populated but I cant find out which Definition to check where to get something showing up there..


    Thanks for replying and taking my thoughts into account, very much appreciated!


       1,403    20

    Wow. Wow wow wow! Finally a modern minimalist theme that does work in portrait mode. Absolutely gorgeus. Thank you so much, this got me excited about Launchbox again! Please keep supporting and tinkering with it! I tried editing themes with Visual Studio but could not wrap my head around it, so i try to give the best feedback I can.


    - The control bar and the displayed items seem to overlap, both in portrait and landscape mode. Did i setup something wrong? When i change the vertical spacing LB adjusts the space between the boxes but not the one between top and first row. Is it possible to adjust this?


    - Is it possible to hide this status bar? It bugs from day one that I have to see this in every theme with every sort option except "title".

    - I know this seems to be a bit nitpicky, but why not rename the "Retro Achievements" tab into "Achievements"? So that tab would be valid for everyone, collecting retro or modern games..



    I have to share this because it looks so beautiful to me. Thank you again and again and again.

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