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Everything posted by harbibbi

  1. harbibbi


    ok how to get mame to list the name if i do it myself is there a support then to get proper game listing on mame in launchbox or is there a manul way to go in and correct .i only download launch 2weeks have been downloading roms myself but had that issue so i was considering just buying a plug and play but now i am learning there is no support for purchase drive .so can some one help me i download mame 260 so far ,nintendo 64 roms and some wii u roms. when i google i come across mame have that little glitch naming in launchbox is there a way to correct.Am new to this forgive if my questions are foolish i just obcess with the idea of building a home arcade for my nephew and kids and your frontends is about easiest and most user friendly that i can follow
  2. harbibbi


    hi launch box family i want to build a home arcade using launchbox but the mame is not listing properly in launchbox and the drive seller wants to put mame under batercera seperate on drive and leave the other platform under launchbox to correct the wrong name listing in lauchbox but i want launchbox to run all my platforms how to fix this issue with mameanyone got a idea am new to this stuff .
  3. what format xbox files got to be in to work with emulator on launchbox
  4. will the lunch box crew develop a way cuz i want to build a lunchbox arcade pedestal and i think something like a proper shut down icon is needed within the frontend to avoid system errors on one's pc,becuz when i build my arcade i dont want the windows desktop pop i want the view and feel of a real arcade its kinda lame to have come to the desktop screen to press shutdown .i saw the option on a other system its kriss coolmod retro beast the shutdown icon is within frontend.still i say excellent work to luchbox owner and thank you all for lunch box its a excellent frontend and very user friendly.am not going nowhere else .just a tip this is how you get a shutdown icon on desktop screen right click then go on New click shortcut type shutdown / s/t 0 then the next button .then right click on the shutdown shortcut click properties then click change icon then choose the red power off icon then press apply and then press ok. now your shutdown is icon on your screen just double click on it.you all welcome bye bye
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