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Posts posted by davidreilly

  1. Hello there. I am new to Launchbox, but it seems an amazing program so far. Being able to see screenshots of gameplay is going to make navigating retro gaming so much easier!

    I already have MAME set up and running, it works great from the command line. But I'm having great difficulty getting MAME to run in Launchbox.
    Here are screenshots of my Launchbox settings for emulators.

    When I try to play a game, I have tried clicking on Play, and also Launch with: Mame. My computer is pretty fast (not bragging), so I can't actually see the output window. its barely perceptible but I swear there's a window appear and then disappear in an instance. So I *think* that it might be running MAME and then there's an error message or it aborts but I can't be certain.


    I'm hoping I'm just doing something REALLY dumb. Also I checked by clicking Control-O (Show Game folder) that it is pointing to the correct path "D:\Mame 0.78 Perfect Set" so I don't think that is the problem either.


    Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!




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