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Posts posted by EduVR7

  1. On 29/4/2019 at 12:58 AM, rushisrighton said:

    Yes, this is correct. I finally figured it out Friday night after a week of frustrated evenings. My lack of understanding controller binds  coupled with retroarchs fairly vague and frankly confusing lack of user intuitiveness (not that it's bad it's just not great), caused a major headache.

    i now understand that you initially set up your controller, in my case the Ultimarc ultimate, and set your buttons under the initial controller 1 and controller 2 (because I'm using a 2 player arcade cab) and you set that 1 time and 1 time only this is the global setting. 


    Heres where i re I was running into the roadblock. I knew I had to rebind my controllers per emulator what I now know is that you do that by hitting f1, down arrow keying and click on controller. What I didn't know is that I couldn't press enter to bind those controls WTF? Couple that with buttons that are seemingly mislabeled and the fact the description underneath has N/A lead me to believe I couldn't use or allocate anything to them, after all I was pressing enter and nothing was happening. It wasn't until I accidentally hit over to the right on my arcade stick on my arcade cabinet and low and behold I was now able to enter a controller bind. Thanks retroarch that was nifty, lets not use the keyboard enter key to set user binds like we did the first time in configurations, and lets also not tell anyone else we're gonna change it up here....ugh.


    so now I'm rebinding my controllers per core, and of course retroarch adds to that confusion by auto configuring the retro pad instead of just letting me bind my controls the way I want them, I have to let retroarch dictate what I can and can't do. Why? For the love of god why? 

    Now I get to figure out how to set up lightguns, trackball and spinner, I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again, I hate being a noob, but don't worry I'll pay it forward and help others after I figure it out.


    Thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it. 

    Omg, i have spent a lot of hours with the same problem.

    I think this will be fix my problem ( hit right controller in override core option).

    I will test tomorrow.

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