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Everything posted by tweeder

  1. how do I know what mode the tanksticks in? What I did notice is that I didn't have to save ant settings as what I put in stayed, so that's good. I also have it on maximum one users as I only have the one input. I went into and where it said left analog and right analog, I input my left and right joysticks there but when I went and played a game, only the left joystick was the one working. I guess its the default for one player?
  2. well i signed up for the retroarch forums and am unable yo post untill they "trust" me? I went into retroarch settings and into port 1 controls and was able to change the controls in there but when i went to save them it gave me an error saving autoconfig file. Also the device type is retropad with no option to change it to something else as im not using a game pad controller.
  3. im using retroarch as my emulator. Since launchbox uses retroarch, I need to go into there and configure it?
  4. I have the two player x arcade tankstick with out the trac ball. I went into tools, options and then mapping but I can't change anything. That and the options there don't seem to correspond with what I think to use. As well as I dont even know what to configure the buttons to do as I don't know buttons are used in what games. I got the up, down, left and right part of the joysticks but that's all.
  5. what platform of games should I be looking for for the origional pacman? I see mame, NES, colicovision seems to be the style i'm looking for.
  6. yeah sorry just wanted to show the names of the game and what type they were for guidance to know what one to pick. Didn't realize they has links as well just copied and pasted.
  7. on a side note I scanned my NES games and they showed up in retroarch and plays but i need set um the controls for x arcade.
  8. i think part of my problem might be with my games. I'm not sure what platform they were for or where. So I started again, im looking for pacman. I wanted the origional this is what I found. Im thinking the colecovision one is the one but is that one supported? Edited by Lordmonkus
  9. I tried to get the games to play first in retroarch with no success. I got to the point in the video to scan the directory, then f drive where my games are origionally. I scan that directory and it finishes with nothing.
  10. how do i find out what a games platform is?
  11. I have followed numerous videos on youtube with no success. I'm not sure of alot of the terminology and alot of the videos are set up differently than what it looks like on my screen . I have launchbox installed with retroarch properly installed, I believe? I have game cabal right now to keep it simple to start then ill add the ones I want later. So for the cabal game, its in the games folder and its a compressed file. Is that fine? The game is in launchbox but does nothing when I click on it.
  12. Great, thanks everybody. I'll head over to the emulators section.
  13. I have not tested any games anywhere. So it sounds like I need to add an emulator folder in my lunchbox or in lunchbox and in the mame folder? What emulator do yall suggest? My rooms are nes, snes, mame so far.
  14. I'm new to this so bear with me. I'm using launchbox, and mame is what I set it to use. In another video they had an emulator folder with i think retroarch?I didn't see that in my folder. Not sure what system I am trying to launch. Only a few games came thru, I'm waiting on a large download to install and will hopefully have more games. Some games I was trying was digging, airwolf, donkeykong.
  15. So I have a few games downloaded but when i click on one to play it, the screen momentarily goes black and it says initializing then it goes back to launchbox.
  16. I went back in and followed the prompt as to what to do as soon as it opens up instead if closing and using the drop box. The games loaded in that way, took awhile though.
  17. im watching the youtube video MAME arcade games new and easy setup with launchbox by etaprime. I'm at the part to import games and am stuck at the part where its parsing the import games but does nothing. I'm waiting to download the mame split like he did but used another set of roms that i already had from another platform, nit sure if thats the issue?
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