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Posts posted by matt.stocks

  1. I know how to add the core to retroarch. I don't like the core. What I'm trying to do is add the standalone to use the same way I use Mame standalone instead of the Mame cores. I was able to choose Mame in the dropdown list and then point it to the exe. From what I can see there is no way to add Duckstation standalone. It isn't in the dropdown and if you type it in, it just erases and tells you to enter a valid name.

  2. No. Again these posts show how to add emulators for ones that show up in the dropdown list, not new ones. The emulators in your examples are already in the dropdown list of emulators. Example. I am trying to add Duckstation/Swanstation. When I enter the name either Duckstation or Swanstation or whatever they're calling it now, I add the file path to the exe file and hit Ok. I get a message telling me to enter a valid name and it erases everything. Just as someone else said.

  3. Ok great. You can use it. How??? Doesn't show up in the dropdown list of emulators that can be used in Launchbox and the Core in Retroarch just sucks as far as being able to edit graphics.

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