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Posts posted by Bok

  1. First time trying this and I managed to get a few scores uploading following the instructions here, but am having some issues with Crystal Castles. Tried a few of the clones, 

    "C:\emulators\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\hi2txt\hi2txt.exe" -trace -r "C:\emulators\mame0229\hi\ccastles1.hi" -hiscoredat "C:\emulators\mame0229\plugins\hiscore\hiscore.dat"
    2021-03-17 12:09:05 PM Processing hi2txt output for ccastles1:
    TRACE: working directory: C:\emulators\LaunchBox
    TRACE: hiscore.dat: C:\emulators\mame0229\plugins\hiscore\hiscore.dat
    TRACE: game high score: C:\emulators\mame0229\hi\ccastles1.hi
    TRACE: game detected: ccastles1
    TRACE: potential file containing hiscore: C:\emulators\mame0229\nvram\ccastles1\nvram_4a
    TRACE: potential file containing hiscore: C:\emulators\mame0229\nvram\ccastles1\nvram_4b
    TRACE: reading a description from file: C:\emulators\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\hi2txt\hi2txt.zip, entry ccastles1.xml
    TRACE: description is using clone: ccastles
    TRACE: reading a description from file: C:\emulators\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\hi2txt\hi2txt.zip, entry ccastles.xml
    TRACE: reading dtd from file: C:\emulators\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\hi2txt\hi2txt.zip, entry hi2txt.dtd
    TRACE: format defined: +1
    TRACE: format defined: *100
    TRACE: format defined: *10000
    TRACE: format defined: score
    TRACE: format defined: name
    TRACE: format auto: hexadecimal_string
    TRACE: charset defined: ccastles
    TRACE: charset defined: CS_NUMBER
    ERROR: unable to find a structure from the xml definition that matches size and hiscore.dat definition' for game 'ccastles1'


    Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?

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