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Posts posted by TzTok-Jeffy

  1. 2 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    Can you explain what you mean by "aren't linked to those folders anymore"? I don't understand how a symlink could be not linked. Maybe they're linked to the wrong folder? This might be a clue as to what's going on in rare situations, so it's worth figuring out. Thanks for chiming in. :)

    Yeah sorry if I worded that weird, here are some screenshots to show you what I mean.

    The first screenshot is from the folder of the broken version of LaunchBox

    The second one is the fresh install of Launchbox

    See how the folders don't have the little arrow icon? They somehow lost their reference to their respective folders in the broken version, which answers why the error message is popping up. It's because there is nothing inside of the folders where it is expecting the Theme data to be.




  2. Hey, I was having the same exact issue, basically the same point it started failing too, after I applied the BannerBox theme.


    I went through all the steps besides copying over my data, because I have quite a bit of games in the collection. But, found one thing: I installed a fresh version of LaunchBox and went to that Launchbox/Core folder and saw that there were symlinks set up, but for some reason the sym links on my broken version aren't linked to those folders any more. LaunchBox will create the folder, but it just isn't linked to the actual theme folder anymore.



    After moving all of my data (Data, Images, Manuals, Metadata, Music, Videos) over to the new directory of the fresh LaunchBox install, everything seems to work fine. For what ever reason the symlinks that are in the Core folder all broke sometime after installing the CoverBox theme... weird.

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