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Posts posted by vinylgamer

  1. The game is bin and cue like the rest.  All my Sega CD games are this way.  Very strange how some games won't load unless I go directly into Retroarch. Im going to dive back in later today and continue trouble shooting. If I figure it out, I will share. Thanks

  2. I configured Sega CD to run through Retroarch by following the Launchbox Youtube tutorial. It works great on about 75% of the games. For example, Spider Man & Kingpin won't start. If I open Retroarch directly and load content, it loads. But some games won't load in Launchbox. Any suggestions?? Thanks

  3. I built my Launchbox on an external drive and moved to another computer. When selecting games for the NES with Nestopia, I get an error that the G:/...... folder cant be found. The external drive is now the E:/ Folder. Is there an easy way to switch all games and artwork to new folder letter or do I need to reinstall all games over again?

  4. Is it possible to make a "Favorite" folder. And add games from ANY console to it? If not.... can you have a favorite for each console? I just want a place where I can go and find ALL my Favorites in one place. Thanks for any advice

  5. This may be stupid question but I'm having problems figuring it out. In Bigbox, in ALL my themes the games are listed in regular text. How do I make my games show in the clear logo? I'm obviously missing something very simple. Thanks ahead of time

  6. I'm kind of new at this but I have a question that baffles me. I have a large library of games in MAME and I found a handful that don't work. They load until about 95% then it bounces me back to the Launchbox Game Selection screen. Elevator Action & Moon Patrol are two in particular that I can think of. I thought at first it was my game files were corrupt, so I went online and downloaded these two games from another site. Same conclusion.... Is there something I should be doing that I'm not aware of? I downloaded the latest version of MAME. Please... any help would be greatly appreciated

  7. Im trying to play my 3DO collection and it wont start in Launchbox. I can play them directly from Retroarch though.  After I load content, I'm asked to choose between "SEGA - MS/GG/MD/CD or THE 3DO COMPANY. When I choose the 3DO Company it works. What I think is happening is that Launchbox is selecting the Sega instead. It is listed first as well. Does anybody have any idea how to fix? Thanks

  8. I purchased Launchbox and installed Atari 2600 & Mame on a external hard drive. I unplugged the external and brought to my gaming PC and it doesnt want to load. I got a round blue circle for a second and then nothing. I brought the hard drive back to other computer and it started up but took about 3 minutes.... Any suggestions? Both computers are using Windows 10

  9. Does anybody have a actual working version of Rush n' Attack in Mame? I have tried many versions and am unable to get one that works.... Please help... I love this game

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