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Everything posted by Albiorix

  1. thanks guys! i got the fbneo_libretro core set and they all load perfectly now!
  2. ah i see that now, i must have miss clicked the wrong one. ok i will try again once im back home. thanks for pointing that out to me!
  3. here are the images from LB configuration
  4. oh yeah, im 100% certain its something im doing wrong
  5. yes thats the only core i have loaded after testing and removing all the roms and re-importing them multiple times. I have the FinalBurn Alpha Rom Set - Version 029728 and thats the only roms i am using
  6. yes, i will post them when i go on lunch, im at work atm but i will go home at lunch and grab the sreens
  7. this is the one im using, https://docs.libretro.com/library/fbneo/ the fbalpha cores would not work for me at all when testing them in retro arch but using the fbneo core all the games load and play
  8. i have added them as Arcade and then under associated files in the emulator settings i added Arcade and set the core to the lib_fbneo core, is that the correct way to do it?
  9. it works when i launch retroarch directly and not via LB, would that make a difference? i will try though.
  10. I have checked and they are each still in the zip file, not extracted. Also i do no have that setting checked in the emulator settings in LB
  11. Whats the correct way to import final burn alpha games in to launchbox to run with retroarch? i have the latest version of both pieces of software. i can open retroarch and launch most of the games i have using the fbneo core but when i go in to launch box and launch the games. the launchbox loading spash screen comes up then it just goes away and im looking at launchbox still. I'm assuming that i've imported the games wrong or didn't configure retroarch in launchbox correctly but im not sure how to configure it any other way.
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