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  1. So I tried an approach that's pretty similar to what Sundogak described, and set up all my multidisk Apple II games with zip files arranged like this : ROOT\ bootdisk.dsk [disks] disk1.dsk disk2.dsk Launchbox would extract the zip to temp directory, and AppleWin would launch with the file that is located in root. Then when I go to the switch disk icon in Applewin, it loads already pointing to the temp folder where the boot disk extracted. From there, I can navigate to the "Disks" and run the rest. Weirdly, though, this has stopped working for me. I don't play Apple II games enough to pinpiont when it started, but now it's only extracting the file in the root directory, and everything inside of the [disks] folder is missing. Has there been a change in a recent update that might cause this, or a setting I might have altered?
  2. Just reporting back to say not only did that work, but it worked perfectly and was super easy! Thanks again!
  3. Super neat! Thanks so much!
  4. Hello! Using Launchbox slightly unconventionally, and ran into a little problem. Was wondering if anybody had some clever ideas. What I'm doing: I'm using Launchbox to run text-adventure games via an interpreter called Gargoyle. This thing is awesome. It plays text adventure games made in a whole bunch of different languages. I've set Gargoyle up as an "Emulator" and added games as "Platform" named "Interactive Fiction" and it has worked quite nicely for playing games made in TADS or ADRIFT. Most of these games run have only a single file, and work just great. For games that reference data files, I've been able to zip those games up, and that also works pretty great. Launchbox extracts to "ThirdParty\7zip\Game_Name" and Gargoyle just happens to grab the correct file. The issue: I've run into trouble running files made with AGT. The issue is that the games contain lots of data files, and when I try to run the games, it grabs the wrong file and fails to run. I need it to open the file with the extension D$$. The best solution I can think of: Maybe I could extract the games into subfolders, and create batch files to run the games? I'm not sure exactly how I would add the batch files I create in Launchbox, and it might be a pain to create a batch file for each game. Is there a way in LaunchBox to extract the archive, and choose the file with a specific extension as the "ROM"? Thanks for your consideration
  5. sshrugg

    Release Date

    This would be great for me, personally. I am adding a "Platform" that is really a text adventure interpreter, so adding it to the games database this way would be incorrect. But I still want to put in years for the games with unknown release dates. Just my two cents
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