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Posts posted by ladysman214

  1. Title says it all. I have configured a specific button as the "pause" button in Big Box controller settings. When I try to use that same button as the "back" button it doesn't function. Is this a bug? I am currently using an ipac configured in Xinput mode with the button I am trying to use configured as player 1 button 9 (Joy9 is how autohotkey sees it). Any ideas?


  2. Hop on the discord if you want specific answers. It's pretty easy to create 2 separate autohotkey scripts, one to launch the software:

    Run, Run, C:\arcade\sinden\Player1.lnk

    and one to close it:

    Run,taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F

    WinActivate LaunchBox Big Box ;this line might not be needed but it can't hurt either.

    You can use one as the startup app and one as the exit app. It's weird you mention Windows games not being in focus. I would try creating a shortcut to the lightgun.exe file and right clicking>properties>target and add -silent to the end of the target so it looks like this: C:\arcade\sinden\player1\Lightgun.exe -silent


    That way the shortcut will launch the Sinden software minimized. I know there are some issues with the current software minimizing to tray so keep that setting off. Keeping the software minimized might help with the Windows games playing in the background. 


  3. On 3/23/2022 at 3:23 PM, floodie said:

    an update - So i had to use the Sinden Mame bezels which had built in sinden borders.. now all my mame games are perfect.. however, tackling Sega model 2 and suprise suprise, whenever it is loaded through there the border stays behind the game and not seen. But when i load say House of the deaddirectly through sega model 2, outside of launchbox, when i press the sinden border button it overlays nicely on top!!.... Its obviously a LB issue somewhere but i cannot see where :(


    There's a bezel pack for model 2 emulator as well. Probably the easiest solution.


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  4. I am using Launchbox/Big Box in an arcade cabinet. I use an IPAC2 and have it set in keyboard mode for all of the emulators I am running and the Big Box interface. The problem is some Steam games (added as Windows games) like MK11 that do not work with 2 players with the IPAC in keyboard mode. Using the WinIPAC utility and CMD with authotkey I wrote the following to be executed when launching one of these games. It will load a gamepad configuration file that is stored in the WinIPAC directory and wait for me to press my hotkey to exit the game, once pressed it will exit the game and switch back to keyboard. 


    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    run, %comspec% /c cd C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2 && Winipac.exe ipac_gamepad.ipc
    Send !{f4}
    run, %comspec% /c cd C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2 && Winipac.exe ipac_keyboard.ipc


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