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Everything posted by umbrellacorp53

  1. Well, I spent a good part of the day trying to get LB/BB to work through Proton. It's hard enough just getting the files onto the Deck since the MicroSD uses ext3/ext4 as a format instead of NTFS or something Windows Compatible. I ended up formatting a MicroSD to NTFS, then plugging it into a USB-C adapter to transfer to the MicroSD that I had actually inserted into the Deck. Weird workaround but it got the files onto the Deck. I tried adding LaunchBox as a non-Steam game and using Proton compatibility. After launching it gave me a warning that it needed to install .net files. This prompt did nothing and the game closed. I used ProtonTricks to acquire the necessary .net dependencies. The next time I launched it I no longer received the warning. It just simply closed.
  2. I want to add that emulation is far from a niche use case for the Deck. With user friendly software it could be primary. I mean, the damn thing is already running current gen (Japanese game company) games flawlessly as well as all the GC and Wii games that are stuck in the vault.
  3. Currently reading this thread on my Deck (and typing. The brand new split keyboard is awesome!). I'm a week 2 recipient, so I've had a couple of weeks to test it out. This thing is going to be enormously popular. I've never owned anything that has garnered this much intrigue and excitement from so many random people. Also, keep in mind that SteamOS is poised to be used in a product category, much like the experimental OS I remember was installed on my old G1 phone... oh, what was that odd OS called with the app drawer and the pulldown notifications? Ah, Android, that's right. But who would want to develop for a Linux based phone? I'm playing around a bit, and clearly bringing my biases with me. I mostly wanted to drop in and say that a vast library of Windows games are working very well through proton. If the team were to test out Launchbox and BigBox on steamOS 3.0 and redirect the file system to the appropriate destinations then it might be all that needs to be done. The attention garnered from an official release, and possibly listing the free version on Steam would most likely pay for itself. Just look at Dbrand already making money on the Deck accessory preorders. I think it's a scene that's worth being on the forefront of. Just one biased fanboy's take.
  4. Launchbox 1.17. I am experiencing this issue for the first time. Thought it was my VPN, issue persists even if its off. Maybe it was minimizing to tray, issue persists if it is never minimized. I am able to download about 20 files before it locks up. Correction, after restarting and watching it download I got to 50 before switching back to continue this post. I have a feeling it has something to do with Launchbox losing focus/priority in Windows. Unfortunately I cannot just sit here and wait while Launchbox downloads 20,000 media files lol. Edit3: Launchbox never lost focus this last time since I had it pinned as the top window with an app called DeskPins, but 503 files in 404. I was video editing behind Launchbox. CPU and GPU were hovering around 80-100% usage. This could all be useless information. Tonight before bed I am going to open launchbox and leave my pc alone with sleep/hibernate turned off and no intensive tasks in the background. This is really frustrating. Edit4: Two days later. I'm down to 21,000 files left after several more freezes. This last time I had Launchbox in the foreground, nothing running in the background, stable internet connection and no VPN. This is getting really frustrating. If EMU Movies was a free service then I wouldn't care. Does anyone know why this is happening?
  5. Sorry to necro, but if there is an option to "open with" a different core then why isn't there an option to remember this choice? I really dislike having to change menu options in BigBox and prefer to get all the messy details sorted out ahead of time. Plus, maybe a few months down the road I forget exactly what core is best for which game. Kinda a headache. I get that you can add command lines to launch, but if Launchbox is aware of the cores and lets you select specific ones, then why rely on users to type in specific command lines? I hope this doesn't come across as hypercritical. I love launchbox and bigbox but I'm just confused that multi-core setups are not handled in a more clean way, especially given how particular compatibility can be for individual games.
  6. I IMMEDIATELY figured out how to filter games after posting. After Googling and searching the forum and Youtube for 2 days with no luck. I hit the down arrow on my keyboard and it pulled up a search bar that I had never seen before. It had a filter button. I can at least only show games above a certain community rating or only show favorites. Still though, I'd like to sort based on rating instead of alphabetically. Like a pseudo top 10 list or something. Also, custom lists would be nice.
  7. I'm asking specifically about BigBox. Launchbox has a ton of sort options but BigBox just seems to be a long alphabetical list of games with no way of sorting or filtering. Also I'd really like to do this without having to go into settings every time to toggle options. Is there a filter/sort feature I'm missing somewhere. Example of what I'd like to do: Go into NES games, sort by Community star ratings, or filter any games 4 stars, or show only games I've favorited or played. I can do pretty much all of this in launchbox but I am trying to figure out some way to dynamically sort in BigBox. Thanks, and sorry if this has been asked. I can't find it anywhere.
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