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Everything posted by vectris

  1. Because you did make a false report. That wasn't LaunchBox as you insinuated it was. You immediately became outraged without even confirming who you were talking to. I get it, I too was upset at virus notification but that doesn't excuse spreading disinformation or bad mouthing a company/software for something that turned out to be outside it's control. 5 hours after this thread was started they have fixed the issue by releasing a new build. That is unheard of in software. Jason's updates in this thread were well spoken and transparent as to how the issue happened in the first place. If you don't consider direct forum support, transparent updates, and a direct patch in a matter of hours a "good experience" then good luck on your journey to find something better.
  2. That did it! Thanks!
  3. So I went to record a video of the before/after but if I re-enable Gsync for LaunchBox it doesn't seem to reproduce the problem anymore. I don't think I changed anything else so I'm not sure how it corrected itself. If it returns I'll post back with a video. Thanks again for the replies.
  4. Thanks for the reply! Interesting, my interface doesn't look like that one. I'm attaching a screenshot of where I'm finding "Options" and what my dialogue looks like. I have the latest version but perhaps you are in the BigBox view? I think I'm in just the standard LaunchBox view. I also don't have premium, not sure if that matters.
  5. I've created a NES platform and playlist by going through the "Import" feature. I have all the NES ROMs in one folder so I chose to import from a folder. I have since added a new ROM file to the folder and it does not show up in LaunchBox. I looked around for a way to "refresh" the playlist and I found "Scan for Added ROMs" in the Tools menu. I tried this feature but it found no new ROMs. Is this the right feature to use? Is there a different/better way to refresh the ROM folder? Also is there a way to make it auto-refresh when I start LaunchBox? Thanks.
  6. I recently setup LaunchBox and notice that the interface was extremely lagging. Scrolling or filtering my games results in a lot of lag and what looks like a super low frame rate as the screen updates. I have a pretty solid gaming rig so I figure this isn't a performance issue on the hardware end, but something with LaunchBox. I did some searching and found these old threads which indicate that the LaunchBox frame rate needs to be set OR you can disable freesync/Gsync. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/62456-dynamic-fps/?tab=comments#comment-387449 https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/50966-big-box-fps-change/ I looked under Options > General (where one of the threads said to look) but I don't see an FPS option there. Is it still possible to set the FPS or refresh rate of LaunchBox? I do have a Gsync monitor and I was able to disable it (specifically for LaunchBox only) and it seems to have mostly resolved the issue. I'd still like to try setting the fps instead to see if it gets better results (assuming that option is still available these days). Thanks in advance!
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