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Posts posted by Klona

  1. 10 hours ago, C-Beats said:

    There were only 10 requests and we picked them. That item got a pretty abysmal score. So much so that we decided it probably isn't even worth it to pursue integrating it (at least not anytime in the foreseeable future). We also do NOT have a parental control feature (or least not the one mentioned in the poll) so you're entirely off base.

    Wait, the parental thing never got added? I swear I saw an update a long time ago about it 🤔

  2. 1 hour ago, neil9000 said:

    And the answer was it will likely never come to Launchbox as it's not something our users are interested in,

    It got enough votes to make the top 10 requests, so yeah, there is interest there. Not only that, it got more votes than the parental block feature and that got added.........so....

  3. 5 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    @Klona To be honest, we don't plan to implement the Itch.io integration any time soon, since it was voted so low on the poll. It was the last-voted item on the poll. Generally that tells us that users aren't very interested in it.

    The questions I asked had nothing to do with " When will this come out? " They were about how will those issues be handled if/when it did 😐

  4. 1. When this gets implemented will we be able to import just a single playlist from Itch instead of every single game on the account? 

    2. Will the game previews remain if the game's creator deletes their game page?

    This is my biggest concern at the moment, Its frustrating when it happens because then you have to try and hunt down what exactly got removed to fix it, I don't know how you guys will go about implementing it but as long as it can grab the Title, main thumbnail, plus screenshots/preview gifs I'd be ok with manually having to do the game description ( mainly because some use images instead of text, in that case I can manually add it as the last image preview )


    Also would be nice if it grabs the blurb under the game title and adds it to the game description like pic below


    That and include the other info like dev name + tags


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