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Joseph B

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Posts posted by Joseph B

  1. So, with all the updates I can run LaunchBox and play the majority of my stuff on my Shield Pro, but I had to resort to using Retroarch.  I'm not a really big fan of Retroarch and would just rather use my .emu emulators.  The problem is that They keep reporting that I do not have file access to use them.  I can use them on their own, or in other frontends and they work like they are supposed to, just not in LaunchBox.  Any ideas on these?  As I would much rather use LaunchBox as my default frontend.  


    Dig seems to work 100% with all my emulators I run.  Reset Collection works with all my .emu emulators, just not ColEm.  LaunchBox works with my MAME4Droid as well as my Snes9x EX+ emulators.


    Thanks again for all your hard work Jason, I know it must be a pain trying to work around all the Android 11 bugs on top of the ones from nVidia and any other third party software.

  2. He Jason, first of all I want to thank you for all your hard work.  Second,  it seems the issue with LaunchBox not working with some emulators and accessing the drive has to do with the scoped storage as already mentioned in this thread.  I also have the Reset Collection front end on my shield and it was just updated for Android 11 and 12.  The author stated it was in fact the scoped storage that was causing his front end not working with many emulators.  Lastly, there is a way to navigate the file folders and select the "USE THIS FOLDER", it's a bit of a pain, but it works.  I found out from trying to select the "USE THIS FOLDER" button that I couldn't click it with my controller, but if you go to the folder you want to select, then go back one level, then select that folder again, the "USE THIS FOLDER" button is highlighted.  Just click the enter button on the shield remote, or a button on a controller and it will use that folder.  It is a pain and needs to be fixed, but this is a work around.  Look for yourself, once you back out and reselect your folder you will see that the "USE THIS FOLDER" button is lighter blue.  Hope this helps out a bit.

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