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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. ok I will use dolphin instead of RA for wii and gamecube, thanks a lot guys!
  2. this solved my issue with mame thank you! Still need to find a way to run dolphin
  3. I have done this for mame but the games won't launch with mame, they launch in reto arch but won't launch in launchbox using retroarch.
  4. I tried setting up gamecube and wii with the dolphin core in retroarch and have the same issue. the games laucnh in retroarch but not in launchbox, there is something I am not getting when doing this, (feeling stupid sorry...)
  5. Does anyone have an idea how to help me please?
  6. Hello, for example, I tried alpha mission 2, it launches in retroarch but not in launchbox. and with Mame the game launches but I alwayts arrive here (see photo) I managed to set up dozens of other systerms but I'm stuck here.
  7. Hello eveyone, I keep looking on the forum but I feel there is something I do not get. I've been configuring launchbox for a few months little by little, i'm loving it but there is an issue which keeps coming. I try to use retroarch and launchbox whenever possible. I have an issue with neo geo, the games launch in retroarch fine but not in launchbox, nothing happens whichever core I choose. I feel it has something to do with the command line but I cannot figure it out. I am sorry if I have not been able to find the info on the forum. thanks in advance if you can help me.
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