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SpaceVentura's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Well I fixed it. If anyone else runs into this issue, it was the Visual C++ runtimes that screwed up somehow. Plex wouldn't launch for me either, and reinstalling that reinstalled C++ and it's running fine now.
  2. I got launchbox fully configured with all my games on Windows 10, it was working great. Today I installed CRT Emudriver to play games on my CRT, and now launchbox just shows "Initializing" in the startup window and disappears. I've tried running as an administrator and every other compatibility option but same result every time. Windows has to be in "test mode" to run the CRT driver, is this screwing with it? The logs folder is empty so I have no idea what's happening.
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