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  1. I'm happy to wait for the controller.
  2. Tbh, I haven't even tried, as I've been waiting on getting a new controller which will allow all buttons to be mapped.
  3. Or maybe here - https://archive.org/search.php?query=Intellivision
  4. I think it was here - http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/
  5. Thanks Joe, My plan is to set my coin and start buttons to clear and enter. The upper button is most commonly used, so will map to first of my 8 buttons, then will map remaining numbers to 7 remaining buttons. This won't work with all games, but will hopefully get me through until this arrives - https://atariage.com/forums/topic/334580-a-new-controller-is-coming-soon/ Again thanks for your help. As a little aside, my first job (as a 10 year old!) was selling Intellivision, Atari and Commodore 64 consoles and games at a stall in Flemington markets in Sydney. I would use my pay to buy games for my Intellivision, so this will bring back some great memories.
  6. So close now - have games opening in launchbox!! It was a really dumb error on my part, i'd put the bios zip files in the intv folder. Once i moved them to roms folder, voila. Now for my final help request - does anyone using mame know which buttons to map to joystick? I have mapped most of the numbered keys to my 8 buttons, but my joystick direction is off, and there's x analog, x inc, x dec, etc - also which configuration corresponds to the side buttons on the old controller?? Any help once again much appreciated
  7. Ok, so that kind of worked, thanks! Game started and i pressed tab to set some controller buttons (i have ipac joystick & 8 buttons), but not all were able to be set. When i exited, i got this Invalid Bios error message....any thoughts? Below are contents of my intv.zip & stic.zip - anything look amiss? Thanks guys, i really appreciate your help so far. I would never have gotten this far on my own.
  8. Ah I see, ok I'll give that go, thanks!
  9. Very much not an expert in this area. I typed cmd in search and opened command prompt. It opened to my c drive, but my mame.exe is in E drive, so I typed E: & enter, then what is in the screenshot. My mame.exe resides in the Mame 0.243 Roms and chd folder
  10. Have added a few screenshots... do they shed any light (the no bios bit)?
  11. Screenshot below has me more confused....(tried with and with and without space in front of mame I did also try renaming a couple of games, and once renamed they do show up as available once filtered, but still don't run, with same error
  12. Thanks Joe, I'll give this a go (it's right at my skill limit tho). If I stuff it, would it be worthwhile looking for a rom set with the shortened names? Or, renaming games (there'll only be 20 or 30 games that I'll play, not all 130 odd)? I have found mame intv xml which lists game names..
  13. Ok, so screenshot below is of my mame.ini which i saved, but upon opening mame, games still disappear when i click on available. When unfiltered, if i click on them i get error "Required ROM/disk images are missing or incorrect....." - I'm pretty sure the files are ok though as they opened and worked with retroarch but i just had no control. This might be a silly question, but could the fact i'm using a 0.243 no nag version of mame make a difference?
  14. Ok, i found stic.zip and added to mame/roms/intv folder, but still no joy with games being available 🙃
  15. Hi and thanks for the tips. I've followed your advice and created intv folder inside Mame roms folder. I placed the games and the intv.zip, but i do not have the stic.zip - do you know which files reside in this, as per below i have voice and ecs zips? When i open mame and type in intv, all the games come up, but disappear when i click on available.
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