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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. @Retro808 I figured that piece out. Very sorry. I had to select and add a field under "Associated Platforms"
  2. @Retro808 This is what I get
  3. Thanks @Retro808. I tried to do that, but the newest version of LB seems to want you to select an emulator from the drop-down list when you do a "manage" "emulators" "add" . Is there a way around this? Thanks
  4. Hi folks. Hoping to get nudged in the right direction here. All the videos I've seen for FBA have been older versions of LB. The "unzip roms" setting in retroarch is unchecked, so thats not the issue. Using retroarch as arcade with an FBA romset. The roms just don't launch. I can't even figure out how to add the fbe.exe as an emulator. It seems the newest version of LB left out FBA completely. Please help. Thanks
  5. OMG. that worked. Thanks so much
  6. I tried all the the FBA ones for Neo Geo. Im going to look at how to not have the roms unzipped before running them. Not sure how to do that yet. Thanks for much.
  7. Thanks so much. I did see inside the logs that the roms are extracting.
  8. Hi folks. Having issues with Neo Geo starting with Retroarch from inside LB. It runs fine with just Retroarch. My bios files seem to be in the right place, because Neo Geo will launch outside of LB. I also have logging turned on, which shows almost nothing. I even changed the cores of Retroarch inside LB to many different things. No Luck. Any ideas please.
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