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  1. So I was able to get it working with NES, SNES, and MAME so far, everything works. I am launching Big Box with Armory Crate and Using Gamepad mode, the only thing that doesn't work as expected is exiting the game even though I have set up the exit to be holding select and start at the same time. The work around I found is when I want to exit a game, I change from Gamepad mode to Desktop mode, then the exit game works, I then go back to gamepad mode to select a new game. A few extra steps, but it works for me.
  2. ok, so I completely uninstalled launchbox and reinstalled it. Seems to have fixed it for NES at least, but now I don't know how how to exit the game to go back to main menu. tried multiple button combinations, and finally had to just go to desktop and close app that way. Any idea how to exit game? Believe it use to be hold start and select at same time, but that didn't work for me. Gonna try snes now, Ill post my findings.
  3. ok, so I did that, chose gamepad and everything works until the game launches. Once in the game, nothing works, no buttons, no Dpad, etc. If I change it back to auto the buttons start working again, but only like before where the A button pauses game, then when I hit it again it unpauses and jumps. lol. Im thinking it might be something inside retroarch settings but my problem is that I can't even access that ingame since the buttons don't do what they are suppose to do. Sorry, Im new to this so Im trying to learn while getting this device up and going.
  4. Yes, I tried launching with Armory Crate and just using the shortcut LaunchBox creates. I've also tried using multiple emulators like NES and SNES and both do the same thing so I am not sure if its retroarch settings that have to be changed, but ill do my best to explain what is happening. Regardless of how I launch the program this happens. When I launch the Launchbox program, everything seems to work fine. Buttons work, dpad works, etc. When I launch Bigbox, everything works also, like dpad, buttons to select game, etc. Once the game is up and running, and I get into game play, the A button seems to do two functions. When I press A button, the game will pause, when I hit it again the game unpauses and my character jumps. If I hit the B button I get a message that pops up saying "press again to exit". If I press B again it will take me back to bigbox menu where I can select a game. I've tried to make changes to the controller, but the buttons it says to press don't work as intended. For instance, the keybindings say to clear what one of the buttons does, Im to hit X to clear the binding, but when I hit X, it does a page down or up. Same with the Y button. So X and Y both act like page up and page down, so I cannot clear the keybind and assign a new one. Im sure it has something to do with the unit and compatibility, almost like its detecting the controller but also thinking its a keyboard, etc. I hope this clears up what is happening. Hope your getting better results with your new ROG Ally. Thank you.
  5. I will have to check this out because I have not been using armory crate to launch it, I have been launching directly through the app itself. I feel your pain when it comes to all those updates and then installing games. It's a great system but took me pretty much a whole day before I actually got to play it. Lol. I'll try the armory crate launch just to see if that fixes it. I'll post my findings.
  6. Sorry, you responded so fast. lol. Im having problems with both. In game, when I hit the B button, it would pause the game and say "press again to quit". I tried adjusting the controller layout but it wouldn't let me because it would say to press X to clear the command but pressing X would do a page up/ page down thing. So I decided to try and adjust the controller in Big Box, but when I tried to adjust the buttons, the A button does nothing now. So I can't select options, or a game or do anything. Now Im wondering what to do? Should I just reinstall the whole app again? Thanks.
  7. Hi there. I have been a member for the android version for a while now, but I just bought the windows ver for the ROG Ally also and having tons of problems. When trying to play something, the buttons were all wrong. The B button would pause the game, and there was no button to jump and the X and Y buttons would do a page down feature and not clean the button. I went into options to see about changing the keymapping, but think I did something wrong. I no longer have access to my enter/select button. Think I might have cleared that so now I cant choose anything in my menus. Do I need to reinstall the program to get it functioning again? Thank you.
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