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  1. Sorry - one more follow up .. For example, if I have "Punisher" rom version .239, but am running MAME version .240 .. and it doesn't run. Are you suggesting I have multiple versions of MAME on my PC? JB
  2. Excellent summary - thanks for the help Neil9000.
  3. Ok, let me see if I understand this correctly. The .240 merged romset that I downloaded may include games that are not compatible with .240? I just assumed that all the games in the set would have been tested. I understand the idea that .239 roms may not work in .240 - I just assumed all the roms in the romset would have been updated. Also - is it better to d/l merged or non-merged sets? Thanks for the help, Jeff
  4. Hello, likely a very noob question here, but when I install Mame .240, and download the merged 240 romset, it seems like half the games at least don't work. All files are in the same directory etc. I am getting the romset from what I believe is a reliable source. (Not sure if I can post the link here?) The most frustrating part is that some games (Such as PUNISHER) worked fine in .239, but since the update they don't work at all. Am I missing something? Thanks for the help.
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