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  1. Iv'e started afresh and have managed to get it Launchbox/Mame working together by setting everything up manually only adding the roms I want to the mame/roms folder. Which is fine because I prefer a more compact, curated setup. May I ask a mod to remove my pics as they havge my account name on. Thanks for your input.
  2. Ok I unticked the "attempt to hide console window" and manged to capture a quick pick before it went off.
  3. Just tried unchecking the remove quotes box but still no joy I'm afraid. Thanks for taking the time to try and help by the way. It's a strange one.
  4. Attched a few pics of how its set up. Thanks.
  5. I'm using standalone mame. The first time I tried this I let Launcboix download and install mame for me the second time I tried it all manually in the same way I set up kega fusion. Either way Launchbox just doesn't seem initiate mame correctly. But like I said if a launch mame on its own I can rund the games from there.
  6. Hope somebody can help. When I try to launch a mame game from Launchbox or Bigbix the game doesn't load. it tried to load it but then it cuts out. I can launch mame manually and run the roms from there. I installed a megadrive emulator and successfuly luanched games using the same methods. Mame version is 0.240b Launchbox installed to D:\Launchbox Mame Installed to D:\Launchbox\Systems\Mame Lauchbox imprted games to D:\Launchbox\Games\Arcade Launchbox has detected all games and metadata
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