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  1. I figured it out one of the folders had another folder inside with the same name so it had a wrong file path basically
  2. I'm trying to get JP 1.08 to run on tekno but the screen goes black after entering coins. I also enabled free play but same problem. I've tried multiple dumps of the game also. anyone know the fix?
  3. How did you resolve the ahk not closing correctly? I’m having similar issues. It started with ahk not exiting. Then some scripts started to not close the programs when hitting esc. Some won’t launch the games. Some that use no mousy don’t make my mouse reappear on exit. Really strange, I have over 100 light gun games on scripts with multiple emulators running perfect then all of a sudden ahk isn’t working properly and all hell breaks loose haha.
  4. Is there a way to add the url containing the snaps into lb so It will download them instead of me having to download them all individually ?
  5. I just added WiiWare to my lb/bb and I Scraped it as wii but when trying to get the media Its missing a bunch. I've found the snaps on emu so I know they are available but why isn't lb finding them?
  6. Thanks to both of you. everything is working perfectly now!
  7. That was the problem. Its works now. Thanks. Also wondering if you'd share a ahk script to launch sm2 games this way? I have : Run, F:\DemulShoote_v10.5.0\DemulShooter.exe -target=model2 -rom=hotd Run, emulator_multicpu.exe -f -L "F:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Sega Model 2 Emu 1.1a\Model 2 Emulator 1.1a\m2emulator\roms\hotd.zip" It only launches the emulator though not the game.
  8. Run, mame.exe "F:\Video Games\MAME 0.242 ROMs (non-merged)\timecris.zip", "F:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.242" This is what mine looks like. File paths are spelled and typed correctly. the ahk was placed in my mame root folder. path to rom is correct and after the last comma is my mame root folder.
  9. I got the Retroarch ahk working but the mame ahk isn't. I checked my file paths and they are good. I'm pointing it right to the .zip but the error I'm getting is that It can't find any of the files that are in the zip file. I tried 2 different roms that I know work. example " c71.bin not found ( tried in timecris) ". Its not a ahk error its a mame error. any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  10. I'll try those later when I'm at my pc and post back. Thanks so much!
  11. Hey I’m trying to create a ahk script to launch single games in retroarch and mame. Or a ahk script to launch games through lb/bb. I am just looking for a example that works that I can change and use. example: run, retroarch.exe core-… rom- super Mario world. run, mame Rom- time crisis run, launchbox.exe platform- snes rom- super Mario world im trying to set up a stream deck to launch games with the touch of a button and it works with some games but I don’t know what a ahk would look like for mame or retroarch.
  12. Well I just went to test them again and they worked perfectly without me changing anything. I guess bb just needed a restart. Strange. Thanks for the help all the same
  13. Thanks for the reply. I am using pcsx2 and my ahk almost matches yours exactly. just a different file path. I'm goin to test more tonight and check my emulator setting in lb.
  14. So I have a few PS2 games that I launch as ahk files that skip the gun calibration screen and work perfectly in lb but when I try to launch them in bb the screen never appears. I can hear it running but bb just takes me back to the menu screen that says play game. What can be causing this?
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