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Everything posted by Lilphish

  1. I may have answered my own question. I think you run this in windows then copy everything over.
  2. Lilphish

    Bezel Project

    I hope this isn't a stupid question, but is there a tutorial for bezel project to work with launchbox / RetroArch for Android? I'm seeing it for windows and RetroPie which I believe is linux based. With emulation being so popular now with android I was surprised I couldn't find anything. Any help is appreciated.
  3. This shows correctly for me, but is there a way to list it first? Having it last is a pain if you have a lot of platforms. The only way I would ever use the all games section would be to see all of my favorites across all platforms.
  4. Hi everyone. Using the paid version for Android and wondered if there was any tutorial for adding custom emulators. In particular i want to add Kat5200 to emulate my Atari 5200 collection. Any advice would be appreciated.
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