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Peter Rumbles

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  1. I just went with this solution: https://github.com/briankendall/devreorder. Solved my issue.
  2. I re-installed retroarch to see if I could get it working. The controller ordering is just not consistent in Retroarch (for Windows). I got it working perfectly when plugging in an old controller (RumblePad). It would be assigned to Port 1, and the built-in joysticks would move to Ports 2 and 3. Unplugging would then move the built-in joysticks to ports 1 and 2. However, as soon as I plug in a new controller (i.e. Playstation Dual Sense), it throws everything off. I wonder why Retroarch doesn't have a controller ordering feature where you map controller types to different priority orders. Or some other type of ordering priorities for the USB slots. I have no idea why more people aren't asking this same question... it seems like a really common use-case, but maybe not.
  3. I used LaunchBox to install Retroarch - it installed 1.10.2. Retroarch is set to use Xinput for controller driver and Dinput for input driver... just like yours. What is your setup in Settings->Input? Did you ever change anything there - I originally did set up Port 1 and Port 2 and maybe that screwed things up. I just tried with another PC and made sure I didn't touch anything in Settings->Input and it recognized my controller i just plugged in. I'm gonna try re-installing retroarch and see if it fixes my issue.
  4. I have launchbox in a custom made arcade cabinet with 2 joysticks always plugged in. I also have 2 USB ports in the front, so that I can plug in another controller if it is better for certain games. My desire is that when plugging in a controller into one of the USB ports (i.e. XBOX controller), that it would become player #1, and the 2 other joysticks would then become players #2 and #3. I cannot figure out how to do this in retroarch. You can find articles that suggest this is possible, but the articles seem to be for a version of RetroArch that I don't have because the options mentioned in RetroArch don't even exist in my version. This is a little bit of a bummer, because these arcades previously were running Linux with RetroPie. The custom-made version of RetroArch that comes with RetroPie has this feature out of the box and I used it frequently. Is there anyway to do this with LaunchBox?
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