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  1. bob_the_blob2's post in Removing a game from list was marked as the answer   
    Hey @starfiretbt I'll try and help you out here! 
    If you right-click on the duplicate game and choose edit > delete, after confirming the deletion if it's associated with a ROM it will ask you if you want to remove the ROM file from your hard drive as well. You can simply select `NO` and the ROM will remain on disk. 
    The reason it likely imported the duplicate in the first place is that you have `Options > General > Automated Imports` turned on. If you prefer to import your games manually you can turn that off, but it sounds like you want to keep this on, so we can try and see why it imported this duplicate. 
    As you said, an easy way to check this is usually to compare the paths in the `Launching` section of the game, very strange that it's showing an entire folder.
    What platform is this for? And what is the extension of the original ROM compared to what the duplicate tried to import? Once you delete the duplicate it shouldn't try to auto-reimport it unless you run a manual scan.
    Hope that helps, let me know how you get on.
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