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Everything posted by AMPatt

  1. Whoaoaoa. Awesome. This is great. Thank you kindly. I appreciate you helping me out!
  2. @TJ_on_Launchbox (this will probably help instead of just putting my dream message out into the ether haha)
  3. This might end up being a bigger ask than intended. On the vertical wheel 3 view, if it would be possible for a 5 second lag before the wheel disappears, that'd be ideal. I'm a bit worried that if the wheel stays forever, it'll block out a chunk of the video playing behind it. If the video is scaled and remains, that also works. Sorry to be so needy haha. Thank you again for your time and help! This community is ridiculously amazing and I'd be a floundering fish without you.
  4. Holy smokes! Thank you. I'm sorry for the long pause before reply... Platform Wheel 3 and Vertical Wheel 3 are the two views I'm using. Hope I gave you a specific enough name, but let me know. Thanks again!!!
  5. This display is near perfect, but I'd ideally like for it not to ever change from the wheel view. Right now, it almost instantaneously switches to the second data view. This is so fast i had a hard time actually snapping a pic. Any way to turn it off entirely? I'm not the greatest at messing with coding but if someone could point me in a general direction of what this might be called, i may be able to monkey around and find it. Thank you!
  6. Worked! True heroes. Thank y'all.
  7. Oh man. Thank you! I bet I'm using 16:9 but no idea why it appeared like 4:3 up until today. I'll download later and let y'all know if successful. Appreciate the quick help. This was bugging the crap out of me.
  8. Oh and the computer itself is in the correct aspect ratio
  9. Howdy. I've spent long enough trying to solve this that i can admit i know nothing. I launched the classic game x the ball and switched the aspect ratio of that individual game to 16:9. Since then the main big box menu is also stuck... i miss my 4:3. I switched x the ball back but the menus remain. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
  10. Trying to get the simplest main screen possible, but messing with theme specific options doesn't let me get rid of it. I want to remove both the "total games 0" and the redundant platform name from the right side of the screen. I'd also be fine having the time or something else there instead since I'm using nested playlists underneath so it shows 0 games despite being filled to the brim. Visuals almost done so this little detail is bugging me. Appreciate any help for sure. These forums are a godsend.
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