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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. How come I get bezels show up for Mame games, but not console games? And even when I go and download them, the are stalled and left mine going overnight and bezel download had not moved. Some download others dont, looked in Retroarch and some of the bezels are there
  2. I Uninstaller Lunchbox and reinstalled it due to mucking up my games. Now it defaults to storefronts, yet don't have any. When first starting up I had the 4 options and clicked on the get roms, think the first option? Then goes to the import roms, then all of a sudden before I can do anything says no results found and want to manage store fronts? Can it click off that box, or click on anything to get into menus, etc. Below in picture cannot access anything or unlock that import storefront, yet have no store front games to even import
  3. Just figured it out, unchecked all hidden games
  4. How come when I update the database of a game that has a blank screen the game no longer shows up? Example Darius for Supergraphix has no 3D box, etc showing its blank. Goto the edit feature to add and download the media, download it, and then go to apply it, when I go back to the games its not listed but gone?
  5. Denodan


  6. Lucky I have my roms on separated HDD, tried it on my laptop and works, doing a full HDD format and will reinstall my roms
  7. Launchbox now won't work at all on either my NUC or laptop. Won't loadvany games, etc, get a fatal error
  8. I have created an Eumovie account and works, but go to use it on Lauchbox faols to log in says unable to login?
  9. Thanks, now can play around without stuffing up Launchbox. This was very helpful
  10. We're is the core option in say using retroarch and changing cores without needing to go into retroarch
  11. This is hopeless, twice have tried to change emulator to run Sega Niomi and in no way csn get ut running and twice stuffed up launchbox trying to change emulators and not working and stuffed running anything else, seems it picks default emulators, get it wrong and your screwed. Its just to far above my head to ve able ti change emulators and this program there us not very user friendly. Annoyed twice had to deleted and renstall the whole thing. Its just to complex and needs a full guide on how to do this.
  12. I know Launchbox will pick often retroarch as main emulator, and will at, times ask for an emulator inside retroarch to within retroarch. Why I as I setting up Sega Naomi it picks retroarch, but the suggested core was not the optimum and pick 2048. And there seems no way to change the core or emulator
  13. Complete noob Here, how do you get startup intro videos working?
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