I have the free version of Launchbox 12.14 and I am looking to change RetroArch to load the core MAME (Git) which was identified by RetroArch as the core that loads the MAME roms I am trying to use.
Currently, I have to open RetroArch and load the rom, followed by selecting the Mame core ARCADE (MAME-current).
I cannot use the process of TOOLS – MANAGE – EMULATORS – RetroArch – EDIT – Associated Platforms – CORES – and then on the drop box able to find the MAME (Git) core.
I found on a 2020 forum post that a suggestion was to select the BLANK box and type the core .dll file name into as what is given in RetroArch Core Information, but I am not able to put custom text into the drop box’s last selection choice box. You can only select what the drop box gives you, and there is no MAME (Git).
I have searched my RetroArch folder of .dll cores and cannot even see a reference to “MAME (Git)”, so where exactly is this core and how to I point LaunchBox to use it on my Arcade category/platform?
Is this only available in the PAID LaunchBox?