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  1. I've edited this to remove something that wasnt launchbox related. Two questions. Is there any method of getting the games to categorize into sections like Arcade has, ie 2 player, platforms, fighting etc, or is that limited to only as few systems as a couple I've put in now, nec 9801 and turbografx, didnt do this. Also launchbox seems to have imported every file in my 9801 folder as an icon itself and its really cluttered, like image files and other random files. What would you suggest I do during importing so it only brings in games and not duplicate the game files as games too. At least thats what I think its doing. I know I've described that wrong so I've linked a photo.. Also if I choose retroarch to be the main emulator, how do I choose the core to be the default core? I'm not seeing where this option is. Example its running a beetle core for turtbografx, but theres a Bettle FAST core thats also an option I wanted to try. I know how I would choose this within retroarch, but how does launchbox decide my choice?
  2. Thanks! I actually managed to figure it out and deleted my post but was slightly too late before you posted yours. But now I know I definitely did it correctly. Thanks!
  3. Ok thanks for the link! I've usually tried to look around before asking but this link you gave should help me greatly. Though before I run off into madness, I've noticed some places talking about visual pinball. I've played with this emulator years back but I dont see an option to add it from the emulator choices in launchbox. Just quickly, is this a good emulator to use with launchbox or is there a different preferred one thats better suited to launchbox? They're probably all the same but felt I should ask anyway.
  4. Couple questions. I checked that site for the first Shikigami no Shiro game and noticed it says graphics imperfect. I've got this issue with it where theres horizontal lines going across the screen like a step ladder, each section sems to be slightly different tone in colour. It only does this when the vehicle is high on the map and not low. I guess its a weird cloud type filter or something. Do you know if theres any other emulator that plays it well like demul does for the sequel? My other question is about demul. When I click for a game to launch, unlike with mame where the game automatically starts, demul just opens up as a window and I need to manually tell it to open the game. Is there a setting I've missed or string of code I'm supposed to put somewhere to make it auto launch with the game in launchbox or demul itself. And will this behaviour be similar to other emulators I tie in with launchbox.
  5. Thanks for the link, didnt know about this site. I also tried out demul. Took a little to get it working and my folders are an absolute mess of bios file experiments, but its working. The game runs perfect in this! I'll have to look into what other naomi games dont run well with mame and check this one.
  6. Excellent! This manual adding is exactly what I needed. Game runs pretty good although the sound is a little glitchy for some reason. Are there ways of fixing/improving something like this with settings? I couldnt test it in mame since it cant see the game. But it cant see the first one either which launchbox picks up no problem and plays fine.
  7. Oh yes, those glasses are perfect! The 80s swears by them! I've noticed I have roms for a game called Shikigami no shiro. It works fine. But theres a sequel to it that I've grabbed but everytime I try to get launchbox to notice it, it sees nothing. I have the rom and the chd file in their own areas like the rest. I'm not sure if maybe one of them is named wrong or something. The chd file is named gdl-0021.chhd, and thats in a folder called Shikgam2. The rom is named the same as the folder. Is there something else I should be checking?
  8. Ok got it working. Seems my issue was in my game folder I didnt have the folders of the chd files. Instead in the game folder I had another folder called chd files and inside that were the folders of the chd games. This is my slightly ocd brain trying to be orderly. All looks fine. I should ask, though its probably nothing to do with launchbox, but quite a few of these chd games are lightgun games. Do I configure the controls in mame to use mouse for these or is there a different method? And this is a side question that I dont expect anything, I've seen online people using VR headsets to play lightgun games. Are you familiar with this and how would I go about it? As in is it something I'd look for in launchbox or a pc/mame setting thing?
  9. I've changed it a few times. First it was a zip file with the rom and chd files in them. Then I had it going to a folder that had the chd file selected with the roms inside it too.
  10. I noticed that I needed the rom files from the original game zip to be in the folder with the CHD file. So I tested 1 game and once I did that Mame loaded the game. But launchbox still wont. I double checked the pathway and rescanned it. Doesnt seem to like something.
  11. Ok so that didnt last long.. I'm sadly going to need a little help with CHD files. I've looked about on the net but maybe I'm missing something obvious. I grabbed about 80 titles I was interested in that were listed in the CHD games section of launchbox that dont work. I placed them into the games directory and ran a tools-rom search. My first issue is it only picks up 21 of those. The file names seem to be correct so I'm not sure whats happening, though I didnt check all of them. The other thing is after it scans and adds them, the game listed in the CHD Required section, if I try to launch it nohting happens. Like the screen will go black for a split second like it was about to load but then exits instantly. So I'm not sure whats wrong.
  12. My mistake, totally forgot the earlier message. I probably shouldnt work on this at 4am as I keep forgetting simple things. Thanks heaps for all the help. I think I should be good for now. I'm getting close to importing other systems sooon so lets see how I do on my own
  13. Oh yes sorry, I was so distracted with the crashing that I forgot. Thats great thanks.I also have my files all zipped up and not in folders. Seems to work so I'll leave it. I've come across a few duplicates in my library listing. Some games I can delete no problem, but theres some that give me the message -"Games cannot be deleted from automatically populated playlists.". They wont delete. Is there a way to quickly remove or hide these?
  14. I'm not confident in what I did do, but I think I'll be fine with leaving the extra arcade listing there Question regarding backgrounds for games. I'm sorting out the older Game and Watch games. I've downloaded the custom artwork and placed them in the Mame folder. When I launch them in launchbox I get the game as it should look, which is great. But its just the screen and nothing else. I recall playing with Mame a while back and I could choose to load it up in screen only or showing the whole front plate of the handheld with the screen, the dpad and buttons etc. Launchbox seems to only do the game screen. The art is in the files for the faceplate to show so I was wondering is there a way I can select how to load it up or am I fixed only with the screen and no faceplate option.
  15. Ok issue fixed.. I went into the backup folder and copied one of the slightly older ones into the data folder and overwrote whatever I broke. Working for now. Lets see how long till I break something again.
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