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  1. anyone got any ideas why i cant change a button color in LEDBlinky?
  2. Update: Once I was in Launchbox and found the options page, and then found the LEDblinky section, I pointed to the LEDBlinky path and everything seems to work now m- the button colors change based on what game is loaded up/demoed. Yay! ...I wish that step was included in the LEDBlinky tutorial... Anyway, Now I am having an issue with changing the button colors. In this situation, I am trying to change the coin and start buttons for NBA Hangtime. I have tried to change the coin and start buttons, as well as changing the color of the turbo button for player 2. I see there are two nbajamhangtime files in LEDBLinky Controls, one ends in 2play and the other name ends in xbox (what's the difference?). I tried changing the colors for the aforementioned buttons in both named games and neither seem to take effect when I launch the game. What am I doing wrong? lol This is so frustrating! ***************************************************************** Before the update: I had LEDBlinky working correctly on my first machine just fine for 3 years. A few days ago I decided to buy another PC (with a beefier CPU to handle GoldenTee) and have been successful setting everything up, except for LEDBlinky. I went through their tutorial and followed every step (at least I think I did). When I start LEDBlinky, it automatically starts to lightup and speak for each button of LB/BB, even though I havenbt launched LB/BB yet - weird. When attractmode is on, the buttons dont light up according to the game being demoed ( Im pretty sure this did work on my previous machine). When I start a game (TMNT), the active buttons for LB/BB are still white. They did not change to match the game. I tried this for a few games and each time I start a game, it only shows the active LB/BB buttons as white. I suspected LEDBlinky is having a problem with my MAME.xml file, so I looked at the MAME.xml file from the old machine. They were indeed different, so I change the xml path in LEDBlinky to point to the MAME.xml file copied over from my old arcade machine. Still same problem. Also, when I look at LEDBlinky Controls Editor, I see only a handful of games (asteroid, qbert, sinistar,spyhunt, and tron). I tried playing those games thinking one of them would work, they dont. Same thing - Just LB/BB active buttons lit up. I read in another LEDBlinky post, someone asked for the debug log. Here is mine after opening BB and launching TMNT and then closing it all out once I confirmed LEDBlinky was not working correctly. Thanks in advance!!!!! [removed the debug log since it is not necessary and took up a lot of space in this post]
  3. I am having the same problem. I tried downloading while connected to the hotspot on my phone, still gets stuck around 40%ish... sad face
  4. That worked! Thanks!
  5. Hey everyone! I am getting all my games and playlists set up and Im running into an issue with the playlist that has all games with platform "MAME". Everytime I try it, the program locks up and says "Not Responding". I tried to let it sit over night, no luck. I have 27000ish games, but only 3400ish show when marking games that have no clear logo to be hidden. Is 3400 still too many for my PC to handle? Im running windows 10, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz, and 8 Gb RAM. Is there a way I can create this playlist outside of LB so it doesnt crash?
  6. I am having the same issue. I tried changing from vlc to windows Media player but that didn't fix the issue. I can hear the game video in big box after loading the game in mame. Does anyone else have an idea of what I can do to fix this?
  7. Thanks Faeran! I am working with MAME. So, although the Bezel page didn't show, I was able to fix the problem this morning. I found a post from a Rocket launcher forum, where someone said the name of the system was arcade, which was throwing things off. Once the system name was changed from Arcade to MAME in LaunchBox, bezels started working as intended.
  8. I checked the bezel folder in the rocketlauncher folder and then MAME folder and I see a ton of game folders, each with a bezel image and .ini file. So, I wanted to test out a game. I understand the rom name and the folder name for the bezel need to match, so I am checking/testing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I found rom "tmnt2" which matches the folder "tmnt2" in the MAME bezel folder. Started the game up, its still in 16:9 and no bezel. I double checked bezel options in rocketlauncher and confirmed that I have bezels set to true. So, any ideas why the bezel still isn't displaying?
  9. Hey everyone! I recently moved over from Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher to LB/BB. I just discovered that Bezel Project has been integrated with LB and I followed this video. I do not remember being presented with the option to import from the Bezel project so I went through the steps again. I even slowed the video down so I could see each step shown in the video, but I am not shown the page that gives me the option to import bezels from the bezel project. I am using LB 12.16 Premium. Any Ideas?
  10. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  11. Hey everyone! Just switched from HyperSpin to LB/BB and loving it so far! In BigBox (12.16), I'm having an issue with Game videos. When I select a game it takes me to the game detail screen and the game video is playing, cool. Then I click play and the game loads up (RL as the emulator) and the sound from the game video on the game detail screen is still heard. You can hear the sound of the game video while playing the game, kind of annoying. I found a post from 2020 where a user said he was able to fix the issue by changing video player from VLC to Windows Media Player. I tried that, but the issue was not resolved. How do I fix this?
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