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Everything posted by mikeyg885

  1. Worked on one cab will do the other one tomorrow. We are good to go. Thank you ever so much from both of you.
  2. Thank you launchretrogirl2562, I will confirm these and let u both know. Still trying to get to work to leave me alone so I can test.
  3. OMG! Thanks, I think that did it. Experiment#2 it worked on my work PC (test PC) lol. I let it run for about 20mins or so played a quick game and no crash. I will attempt on my arcade cabs and let you know. I should have time this afternoon. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. and i was bored,... well no its driving me crazy that i cant figure this out so i have tried 3 older versions of LB fresh installs on 3 different PC's and 3 different versions of Mame, re downloaded just packman rom for quick testing and none of them will work at all. All do the same thing. All run pacman just fine through mame standalone. PC's all running windows10. That testing being done, do you think a windows update may be an issue since there was on last week? idk running out of ideas.
  5. ; This attempts to bypass any nag screens displayed by MAME when starting a game SetKeyDelay, 0, 50 sleep 10000 ; Wait 10 seconds before pressing the key. Send, {space 3} ; Press the space bar 3 times to ensure we close all screens
  6. 1. It's pointing to Mame. 2. I will change it but it has worked in Ver 12.7. In the Video, I did not touch a thing, all games load and just seem to time out after about 5 or 10 seconds. If i quickly load it and insert coin and start, it will actually play the game for a few seconds before it closes. And I confirmed this with about 30 random games in my library. All games i tried do play perfectly outside of LB & BB. I'm a little lost on what to try next.. both my arcade machines have been working for the last 4 years or so starting with ver 9.7 and did not have any issues up till now. Thank you for looking into this with me.
  7. I have upgraded to ver13 over the weekend and now all games go right to game over screen or just exit out to launchbox or bigbox. I have tried 3 different mame vers. 0221, 0249b 0240, all worked under version 12. All still work outside launchbox and bigbox. Help plz. 20221121_135118.mp4
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