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Everything posted by grigoleto

  1. Last Update, I ended up deleting all SNES games I had in launchbox, then I extract the roms within their folder names (which match the cfg names) and imported them back. During import there is this great option to import games using their folder names instead of the filename 🙂 . All working with bezels now, no configuration or any override change was needed. Much Obliged dragon57 for helping me out! Thank you !
  2. Hi Dragon, cant thank you enough for helping me out. I think I found the illusive issue !!! After trying the core change which worked, but didnt solve the bezels, I noticed in your screenshot you dont had EXTRACT ROMs checked and all my SNES roms are zipped (and tagged to extract). Then I unziped one and saw that the name of the rom was not matching exactly the zipped name (the zipped one match the cfg files and bezel names), it had some V1- at the end. Once I renamed the file to the same name, bezels came working without having to do any configuration anywhere. All the time, the zipped corrected names were masking the wrong names of all roms inside, for this SNES pack I have, all seem to have something at the end. Then I checked my NES roms, they all match the .zip and .cfg files, thats why they were working. Do you know if when importing roms in Launchbox, do they need to have the "standard database name" or does launchbox does a translation of the "detected variant" file name and for the cfg, media and bezels to match the same name ? I was thinking if I delete all SNES roms I have, then delete all cfg and bezels and then import again with the new naming, will it download and recreate the files to make it work ? or is just better to find a new rom set that have the right naming ? Thank you !
  3. There are no overrides for any platform, its pretty much the initial install from launchbox + media download. All files and naming seems to be ok. I saw that I have other cores for SNES like a 2010 version and other variations. Is there any way to set one of them to run the SNES games instead of the SNES9x ? If Yes, can you provide some guidance there ? maybe running a different core could do the trick ? Thanks again Dragon !!
  4. yes, overlay is on. Im able to change to the snes system overlay and it works, but the goal is to use each game specific bezel for each game. I think the issue is that each game should be invoking a o override and they are not. Thank you dragon for the patience on checking all these options with me ! let me know any other guess you may have!i
  5. Its using the SNES9x (the core that was assigned default by launchbox/retroarch install). I just tried to go to online updater and did update of all cores, no changes. Thanks again.
  6. Hi Dragon, here is the roms folder vs the \retroarch\config\snes. They seem to be aligned as well. . Thanks again for any pointers.
  7. Hi Dragon57, Thanks for the quick reply! As far as I could check the filenames are ok. Adding a snapshot just in case, maybe you can spot something I have not. Thanks for any other suggestions.
  8. Hi Folks, I need some help with similar issue about bevels and overrides. The bezels were working for most platforms including Mame, but not working for SNES + Genesis + Sega Master System. I tried reinstall Launchbox from scratch and the same keeps happening. I think the issue are overrides... Here are the steps I took: 1) Re-Installed Launchbox 13.6 2) import NES games + import all media + bezels -> works ok, bezels shows up -> when games load I see the message "configuration override loaded" 3) import SNES games + import all media + bezels -> games load with no configuration override loaded and no bezels The best I could understand is that when I import bezels for NES using the Launchbox internal method of importing media + bezels together, it sets an override for each game so that bezels pop up, but that is not happening for SNES. I can also go to one SNES game and set a manual game override and set the specific game bezel as the overlay target - it works, but there are other 700+ games (impossible to do one by one). I tried the other 2 variants of override: a) by core - I set the SNES system bezel - it works - but the plan is to have by game (not by system) b) by content folder - I use a specific game as overlay target - but then it sets the same for all other games - does not work either Is there a way to make any override change differently so that it does like the NES and force the bezels by each game for SNES ? Should I try to download and install project bezels in parallel from launchbox ? Thanks for any tips !
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