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  1. Hello Skizz, Yes, I am positive it works. I can use it to play Steam games (via Steam) just fine. I am not sure what custom configuration I entered. but if I could just reassign the controller buttons to the emulated buttons, that would be awesome. I am not able to find where to reassign the buttons, though. The only thing I see is tools -> options -> mappings, but I think that is for Launchbox's interface and not for in-game playing.
  2. Hello, I am not sure why, but now I do not seem to be able to play games wirelessly anymore. It has been a couple weeks since I played anything on Launchbox, but the last time I did, I definitely got my PS2 Dual Shock 4 controller set up to play wirelessly. Now, though, games only recognize inputs if the controller is plugged in via usb. Upon starting a game, though, when Bluetooth is turned on and my controller is 'connected,' Launchboxsays the controller is configured. However, no inputs are recognized. How do I map the buttons to inputs? I know this was working before and I am not sure what changed. Thank you for any help Edit: Actually, the first message I get from Launchbox is 'Configuration override loaded.' Maybe that's why it isn't working. I am not sure how to stop this override from occurring.
  3. Thanks, skizz! I tried to 'analog to digital type,' but it didn't seem to work for me (or maybe I checked a different option that sounded similar). Anyway, in the control-configuration menu, I just manually switched the the d-pad and the left-analog stick controls and it is working now. I'll also get it working on that apology right away. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior in the workplace, despite the word 'joystick' being ripe for double entendre.
  4. Hello, Sorry if this has been asked before. I tried searching around but couldn't find anything. I have a Sony PS4 Dual Shock controller, and when trying to play a particular PSP game, the cardinal directions (that is, up, down, left, and right) all move the character 'quickly,' but when I go, North-east, for instance, he walks as if I am not holding the direction 'hard' enough. When I use the d-pad to move diagonally, though, the character runs (like how it should). I looked, but I do not see anything that lets me change the sensitivity, if that is the proper word, if the left analog stick. Is this possible? Thanks!
  5. Hello, I was not able to get my Gamecube games to run in Launchbox. So, since I am still new, I thought, for now, that I would just go back to my old method of playing GCN/Wii games. When I right click on "Nintendo Gamcube" from the 'Consoles' section in the Launchbox sidebar and choose 'delete,' I get a warning message. It says, "This will PERMANENTLY delete the following platform INCLUDING ALL ASSOCIATED GAMES from your collection:" This won't touch my games that are not in my Launchbox folder, correct? My Launchbox folder and "Gamecube ROMs" folder are on the same drive, though. Anyway, I just want to be sure that I can safely delete 'Nintendo GameCube' from Launchbox without mucking anything else up. Also, if I delete Nintendo GameCube, will the cover images, etc... be removed as well, or do I have to manually do that? Thanks! Sorry for the silly question, but I am not particularly good with computers and I don't want to inadvertently eradicate my library.
  6. MrSlippery


    Hello again, Thank you for your help. I am still not able to get it. Now when I try to run a PS2 game from Launchbox, it just opens up PCXS2 and asks me to put in a PS2 disc or formatting disc. I think my issue is that I am not able to set the correct Application Path like you have in your screenshot. When I browse for the .exe, it is not available to choose (even though I am browsing in the folder where (I think) it is located). Also, what do you mean when you say "Make sure you imported the correct file to load the game ie: cue?" What is Cue? Thanks again for your help and patience.
  7. MrSlippery


    Hello, Yes, I can run the games outside of Launchbox with pcsx2-v1.7.3781-windows-64bit-AVX2-Qt.
  8. MrSlippery


    Hello, I, too, am having trouble getting PS2 to run properly. Can you explain, please, in a little more detail what you are advising the OP to do? I tried watching some YouTube tutorials, but I couldn't get them to work. My current issue is that no ROMs will play. In fact, when I try to run a game, some weird math game with sliding squares comes up. Thank you
  9. Hello Pale Ale (my favorite kind of beer, by the way), Thank you for that. Yes, I can totally understand just keeping small ROM files on my internal HDD. However, from what I have seen, some ROMs can be 15+ GBs. And since, as you say, Launchbox is a way for people to show off their libraries, I imagine some people have many (hundreds perhaps) of 2~3 GB (or higher) files. Keeping them all on the internal HDD, especially when you're only ever really going to play a small fraction of the ROMs seems crazy to me. Of course, that is just me, and if I had the space I could definitely understand wanting to have everything there to show off. My laptop has 300GB of space on the C drive and ~1TB on the D drive. I thought, when I bought this thing, that it would be enough and that there was no way I could ever need more space. Well, somehow, even without ROMs, I have managed to take up a rather large chunk of that disc space! Perhaps it is all of my Steam games... I like your idea of running Launchbox from an external HDD, though. It is nice to know that is an option. I am not much of a computer person, but I don't know if certain programs/software packages would perform better when on an internal HDD (or even if it makes a difference. A cursory query seems to indicate that it does, but I don't know to what extent/degree). I will look at purchasing an external HDD that would be dedicated to this. I imagine 2TB would be more than enough. Thanks again for the help!
  10. Hello, This question is not directly related to LaunchBox and is more of a general question regarding emulation. I do not have many ROMs, but I also do not have a lot of space on my hard drive, either. I have an external hard drive, though. Is it best (if one wants to keep clutter low on their internal hard drive) to store ROMs and such on an external hard drive? And as for emulators, can those also be run from an external hard drive, or is it better for those to be 'local?' I was thinking that maybe I could store the games I'm not currently playing onto an external hard drive and then simply copy the file I want to play over to my internal hard drive and play it locally. Then, when finished, swap it out for a different game. Also, regarding LaunchBox, is this how everyone does it? Using an external hard drive to store ROMs? Thanks!
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