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Everything posted by Anatrok

  1. understood. I had to do it in reverse so that RomM would manage the files Personally I also have much better luck that way. Even if you don't want to use symlinks you can just set your platform folder to the network share (if you are using the import wizard make sure to "use the files in their current location": Also make sure you have "Enable Automatic ROM Imports" enabled in options: FYI, the reason there is a reason i use symlinks in LaunchBox\Games\ to point to the network share RomM platform folder (ie \\NAS\media\games\roms\gb). A recent update Launchbox automatically generates most of the platform folders and scans them, I can replace those forlders with my symlinks . The target of the symlink is a direct network share (NOT a mounted folder) so the symlinks can be copied to any machine on my network (works on both windows and linux) I like having the metadata, box art and manuals locally to each of my machines, but i imagine you could create symlinks for that as well. Regarding your specific question on Switch, I only have one switch game but all seems to be working. I have a folder for game and the .nsp files under it. Launchbox handles this fine and auto scans on launch A final note: RomM currently has issues with renaming folders that have colons in the name, but it's on the list of things to fix.
  2. sounds like you have it more or less have it sorted. as well. I'm not familiar with the IDs you are referring to. do you mean switch TitleDB ids? Gantoine on RomM team is working on calculating hash's which would eventually allow DAT integration and then rename against that.
  3. for my set up have have RomM running on my homelab alongside all the other *arrs containers. my homelab storage is where my complete collection is. RomM manages file naming and organization: RomM's library is a local network accessible SMB share. For example these are some pokemon roms I have dumped with the Epilogue GB Operator. I have my Launchbox instance running on a HTPC. I use "Link Shell Extension" to create a symlink between the gb folder on Network share and the Nintendo Game Boy folder in my launchbox directory. Launchbox media (box art, etc) is saved locally on my HTPC and i use Archive Cache Manager to automatically copy games from my network storage to my HTPC when a game launches. There are other reasons i have it set up this way but that is more homelab stuff (offsite backup, integration with dedup scripting, internet accessibility, etc etc) This solution works on my local network, but when away from my house I am not able to easily access everything with launchbox. I can go to romm.anatrok.me and download/upload individual roms while i'm on the go, but it would be nice to have that integration. Romm also has an API, but i wouldn't know where to start with writing a launchbox plugin. I can write the api calls if someone can write the launchbox dialogues that trigger them. Totally hear you on liability which is why RomM is a selfhosted solution. This is completely safe territory. RomM is a web front end that contains no roms out of the box. You add roms to the server no different from adding roms to launchbox folders. It doesn't make a difference if it's over the internet. If romm was unauthenticated and public romm instances started popping up all over the internet maybe it would start coming under scrutiny. Thankfully this isn't the case and RomM doesn't even allow you to disable authentication or enable a guest account. The use case for RomM is private libraries to share with friends and family...it's not like archive.org hahaha.
  4. I don't necessarily need support as I have a few other solutions to implement this. I will say that i am working to move to a self hosted web first rom management solution and RomM is one of the tools in my stack. My end goal is to do with games what Plex/*Arrs let me do for tv/movies. Obviously emulation in a browser isn't quite where i'd want it so i'd still depend on OS native emulators. This doesn't even touch on my MacOS users (ugh). For Launchbox ideally i would like a solution that allowed me to add my family to my library and have a built in solution similar to "Archive Cache Manager" to locally cache larger games. Even being able to have users point to a webdav share would work as long as it could import the roms and metadata automatically. I don't mind complications on the the admin side if it's easier on the end user side. I'd buy a few more lifetime licenses if there was an easier way to achieve this through LaunchBox. *something something feature creep*
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