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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Hi there, Exact same issue for me. Did you fond any solution? Thanks for your help. Best
  2. Hi there, For those who want to clean, I found this list : https://gitlab.incom.co/libretro/FBNeo/-/blob/master/gamelist.txt?expanded=true&viewer=simple
  3. Hi there, I'm back with a question. I've just imported my FBNeo romsets collection and it works fine. Thank you again ! But now, let say that I have tens of Street Fighter version that were not recognized at import (see my attached screenshot, please): sf2cejab.zip sf2cet.zip sf2ceuab2.zip ... Is there a way to get them recognized by launchbox auto-magically before editing them one by one? Thanks a lot for your precious answer. Best
  4. Hi there I'm trying to update my game metadata, but it does not work for 1 game: Street Fighter Zero 3 I added it to my games list and when I want to link it to launchbox database, it could not find it : Title in the input field : "Street Fighter Zero 3" -> Game found in the database : "Street Fighter Alpha 3" It seems that the real game exists in your database:https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/103598-street-fighter-zero-3 Is there a way to force it ? Thanks for your help.
  5. Thanks for your answer, my question was not clear, sorry. I'm not sure about the way to import them. Sega Chihiro roms are not zip afaik, so my question is more: do I have to import them one by one (adding each rom file manually and targetting the executable file) or is there any trick to add my Sega Chiiro folder directly ? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi there, First, I would like to thank you for your amazing work. Launchbox is awesome. My question is about Sega Chihiro games. I would like to know the best way (and how) to import Sega Chihiro games into Launchbox. I'm new to Launchbox universe and I would like to know the best way. I have my rom files, do I need to setup a new platform ? etc ... Thanks for your precious help. Best,
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