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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. good morning everyone I recently tried to move by copying and pasting the entire launchbox folder from one pc to another. Also keeping the drive letter E: in my case. Unfortunately, however, the operation failed. I had to reinstall launchbox manually because no emulator (MAME or retroarch) would start correctly. Is there a tutorial with a safe procedure to do this operation avoiding having to go through a reinstallation? thanks
  2. perfect! it worked. tnks!
  3. Hi: tnks 4 the reply.... i've set all abut still no image for many games that correctly diplay image on other settings
  4. Hi all. on my lauchbox latest release (but also before) and with all theme updated when i switch to 3d boxes view I have many missing images on may platform. See screenshot. Any suggestions? tnks!
  5. Hi... i just try to start DINO CRISIS ita and have the image (.cue) and the .sbi related. But with epsxe i can start the game by put the .sbi file in the "PATCH" folder. Is there any way to make this working on swanstation? TNsk!
  6. Hello everyone. I installed redrem, imported a Dreamcast game and it works perfectly. But if I launch the game from Launchbox the game doesn't start directly, it opens redreem and sends me back to the library. So from here I have to launch the game again. Am I doing something wrong? thanks
  7. Hi! tks! solved... just reimport and everithing is ok now!
  8. forget! i see at the next step the option!.. i'lll try ...but no luck... the game is not show on the list...
  9. first, thank you for the very fast and detailed response...I got here...but I don't know which option to choose....
  10. Hi all.... just trying to make this game working on Launchbox / Arcade http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio_mame.php?game_name=kchampvs But my settings is unable to launch it. I've imported a full romset MAME 0.240 ROMs that work perfectly but this game is missing. Any idea how to make it full running? tnks
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