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Everything posted by GepettoZHog

  1. I'm trying to remember something from 5 months ago, so forgive me for being light on details 😄 I believe the mapping difficulties I was having were related to USB identification order. I have a 4-player cab setup with Sanwa sticks, but two different boards for input (P2 and P3 share an input, P1 and P4 share an input). However, P1 and P4 don't have the full 8-button treatment. They only have 4 buttons (in addition to coin/start). So on board1, 7+8 was mapped differently than for board2. I think my workaround was to switch from 7+8 to 0+4 (which would guarantee that all players would have those inputs available to them). If memory serves me, you also need to set this up as an association with the emulator in LB but I could be wrong on that one. To make matters worse, the USB read order was getting screwed up on system boot, so sometimes board1 would read first (correct) and sometimes board2 would read first (incorrect) and make controlling BB impossible. Adding in the two Sinden guns just make it SOOOO fun 🙄 Luckily, I've since sorted all that out! Best of luck!
  2. Solved my own issue. If you use alt+enter to set fullscreen instead of using the command, it will retain the window size for future BB launches.
  3. Background: trying to run Flycast Naomi titles in fullscreen (rather than a maximized window). Games worked fine while maximized in window form, but once I added the fullscreen command -config window:fullscreen=yes into my .bat files, they don't get focus when launching from Big Box. The games launch in fullscreen and run normally, but for whatever reason, Big Box won't default the view/control focus to the Flycast fullscreen window. I just wind up staring at the Big Box wheel while I hear the game running in the background. Any ideas?
  4. Currently setting up Model2 emulation on a cabinet that has 4 joysticks/controllers in addition to 2 sinden lightguns. I was able to get the lightguns configured properly via DemulShooter, but I'm having trouble mapping the actual gameplay buttons. Ultimately, the Model2 configuration frontend will only accept control inputs from "Joy1" or "Joy2" (in addition to the keyboard). However, because of the 4-player cab, the two controllers I _actually_ want to map are Joy3 and Joy4. Unfortunately, their inputs are ignored for Model2 configuration. Everything else works in every other emulator, so the setup itself isn't the problem. Is there a way to manually apply Joy3/Joy4 where I'd otherwise be setting Joy1/Joy2?
  5. @skizzosjt you are my hero. Worked like a charm!
  6. Had some mapping difficulties, but was able to get the Close Active Window command to work (yay!) However, I get a system error popup now. It's dismissable with spacebar (and it DOES take me to BB after that), but was wondering if there was a way to skirt that altogether?
  7. @Retro808 where can I find that setting? Been poking around in BB for a while but not seeing it.
  8. All TP games. FWIW, I am talking about BB, not LB. Is there a BB-specific setting I should be tinkering with?
  9. This is what I have in the Game Controller settings. I'm not seeing an option to change from "Exit Game" to "Close Active Window". Am I missing something?
  10. Just tried that, no change. The inputs are clearly working as global key settings through Big Box (the individual keys are mapped to volume control in all games), but when pressed together do not quit the game. Any other ideas? Does running Teknoparrot windowed vs fullscreen matter?
  11. I've found a few threads that START to answer this question, but I'm still not finding an answer that works. Ultimately, I'm looking for a way to exit Teknoparrot with my existing "exit game" hotkeys that I use with BigBox already. Attempting to use the exit hotkey does nothing (but works fine with all other emulators like Model 2, MAME and Retroarch) Current exit hotkey: Button 7+Button 8 (I am aware that there are some issues with using combinations to exit games, but given that it's a 4-player cab, I don't want to use any of those buttons to exit the game when they're used in MAME...etc). Have also tried adding this on emulator Exit Script (per other thread): $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} } Doesn't make a difference, exit command is ignored with Teknoparrot. Not running it as admin either. Any suggestions?
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